Teachers deserve to get better salaries

It is sad that teachers' demands for better salary continue to be thwarted despite the sensitivity of the profession.

The fight against teachers' salaries has been a long and unpleasing one since independence. The Government has failed in its duty to address teachers' needs. Strikes define a traditional way of expressing grievances.

There should be calls to have some officials resign and give room for fresh blood to handle teachers' matters.

Until when shall we bear with these obviously manageable problems?

The Education ministry has complained of head teachers’ increment of tuition fees yet it all starts from the bottom. At the end of the day, parents incur extraordinary costs for school fees. Unless the Government respects the teaching profession, problems surrounding school fees will persist.

I long for a time when teachers will earn their good salaries without the influence of either courts or strikes.

Now more than ever the Education ministry should focus on the plight of teachers.