Why the National Transport and Safety Authority should be disbanded

The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) is a waste of public funds and a duplication of work being done by traffic police.

The enthusiasm by which the NTSA has taken up its work without regard for the fundamental liberties and freedoms of citizens is not acceptable, especially considering that there is no significant reduction in road accidents.

What has increased is the number of organisations that a motorist must deal with to retain his freedom and liberty. It is common knowledge that introducing new regulators in a sector that is already well policed and has enough laws and regulations that only need to be enforced only increases corruption.

NTSA cannot justify its existence and must let the traffic police do their work on the roads. And if its not disbanded, then it must leave law making to the Legislature and law enforcement to the Police service.

It's wrong fro NTSA to punish a Sacco for an offence committed by only one vehicle. The worst is the arbitrary introduction of new traffic rules without regard to the rights and freedoms of motorists. NTSA, if it must continue existing, should be reduced to a regulatory body under the traffic department.