Locate solar farms in semi-arid regions

There have been earnest efforts to put up extensive solar electricity generating farms. This is indeed a welcome development as it would increase power generated for use in the development of the country.

However, haphazard location of solar farms without due regard to the best uses of land would be detrimental.

There have been proposals to set up solar plants in Uasin Gishu County, which is Kenya’s food basket. While it might have barely optimum daily and total annual solar radiation, the region is by no means the best part of our country to put up solar electricity farms.

Some of the best regions to locate solar farms in Kenya are in Northern and North Eastern counties. Parts of Coast region are also suitable.

Investors in renewable energy resources like wind, solar, geothermal need to look into leasing land from communities in Northern Kenya. The long-awaited Community Land Act should make the leasing process more grounded in law.

There is need for the National Land Commission and county governments to consider the best land use while approving such projects.