Why your workouts aren’t very effective

1.  Not warming up

A good warm up session before exercise is as important as the rest of your workout. It prepares your body by spiking your heart rate and improving mobility. It is also a good way of avoiding workout injuries. Observe an extra 10 minutes or so at the start of your work out to walk, do some jumping jacks and skip in place to get you into exercise mood.

2.  Too much cardio

Some of us believe that once you do cardio, all other forms of exercise are pointless. Cardio workouts are excellent overall body workouts but when done intensively without complementing with weight-training, they will only end up straining your muscles. In fact, scientists say that we should put weight-training first followed by cardio. The body requires glycogen (blood sugar) for energy during weight-lifting; and the body will not burn fat until blood sugar stores run out. This reason explains that you must do resistance training first to allow fat to be burned later during cardio.

3.  Mistaking sport for exercise

Sports such as tennis and golf should not be confused for exercise. Sports are definitely more fun as they are performed as a competition. However, you should exercise before and after your sport to stay fit for competition. You need to exercise to be great in sports.

4.  Assuming it’s all about exercise

Terrible eating habits will not give you good results even when you spend hours working out.

5.  Over training

When you work out too much without giving your body time to rest and replenish, you are creating room for increased muscle injury and decreased performance. In addition, intense physiological stress makes the body prone to Leaky Gut Syndrome, a condition that weakens the gut lining resulting in easier passage of germs and toxins into the bloodstream. Your body needs the rest to repair damaged tissues and restore energy. This is particularly more important for beginners as their bodies take longer to recover. A day off after every 2 to 3 days of exercise will give the body the downtime it requires to replenish.

6.  Sticking to a routine

When you do the same type of exercise over and over again the body quickly adapts and stops progressing. Switch it up for result.