Kenyan coaches condole with bereaved Shedu

Kenfoca chair Robert Matano (right) and other coaches when they visited bereaved coach Rishadi Shedu, in Nairobi, yesterday. [Stafford Ondego]

Kenya National Football Coaches Association (Kenfoca) yesterday condoled with former KCB and Bandari coach Rishadi Shedu, who lost his wife last week.

The coaches, led by Kenfoca chairman Robert Matano, handed over Sh34,000 raised by the tacticians when they visited the ailing Shedu at his home in California Estate, Nairobi.

Matano, who is also the Tusker FC coach, was accompanied by fellow trainers Elvis Nandwa, Elvis Ayany, Benjamin Omukuba, Japheth Akhulia, John Njogu and Anwar Sadat.

The coaches called on each other to speak with one voice, if they have to be respected.

“Charity begins at home and if you are disorganised, no one will give you support. I urge all coaches in the country to come and join the association for them to realise the benefits,” he said.

Matano revealed Kenfoca has already talked with four Health Insurance companies to cover their members.

“Coaches are suffering because they don’t have medical scheme for themselves and their families. We are starting a SACCO where coaches can contribute and get loans for development after coaching carrier ends,” Matano said.

Shedu, currently Makolanders FC head coach, thanked the association. “I have gone through a lot of challenges. It becomes tricky when you manage to fundraise 100,000 and your medical bill amounts to Sh2 million,” said Shedu. 

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