Stage set for Africa shooting event in Mombasa

Priscilla Mburu in action at Kirigiti shooting range in Kiambu. [Wilberforce Okwiri, Standard]

Top international sharp shooters are expected in the country for the Euro Africa Tier 3 championships, which will be held in Mombasa.

Bamburi Rifle Shooting Club will be the venue of the global championship slated for July 20-23.

"We expect top shooters to be in Mombasa for the event that was collaborated by shooting officials from Switzerland, Thailand and Bamburi rifle shooting club," said the club's chairman Abdulhakim Daud.

Daud said Italy played host to the first series of the tournament this year in May, while Kenya will be the second stop this month. He added that the third and final circuit will be in December in Thailand.

"Several countries are expected to take part in the championships that will also provide an opportunity to boost Mombasa tourism," said Daud.

The chairman said by being hosts, Mombasa will seek to demonstrate the sport is growing it's popularity in the country.

He said the championship will be held annually in different countries as they continue to embrace the sport.

Meanwhile, Grand Master shooter Benjo Carpio from Philippines was among shooters who took part in First level 3 International Pistol Shooting Confederation (IPSC) event dubbed Kenya coastal extreme championship at the Bamburi Rifle Shooting Club.

Experienced Geoffrey Pesa won both Pistol Carbine Caliber (PCC) U 25 and PCC 26 titles.

Kenya's top shooter Ibrahim Ndung'u of Bamburi Rifle Club danced to victory in the production 48 category.

Thomas Kiilu won the production U 40 division as Titus Nderitu grabbed the production C 4 category.

Sanny Syan won both open C 6 and open 28 divisions with Eric Wachira winning the standard U 23 category.

Ahmed Mohammednoor was the winner in the standard C 3 division, while Robert Nyamongo grabbed the standard senior 10 category.

In the ladies division, Belinda Akoth won the standard 7 category, with Agnes Muchiri winning the production 13 section.

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