Football Kenya Federation gives nod for 18 teams

Birgen of Ulinzi Stars (right) during last season's match against Mathare United. FKF wants to expand KPL to accomodate 18 clubs from current 16. [PHOTO: DENNIS OKEO/STANDARD]

Nairobi, Kenya: Football Kenya Federation (FKF) has rallied its branches to support their bid for an expanded top league next season.

The federation has also taken their battle with Kenyan Premier League (KPL) a notch higher with branches given the federation mandate to re-tender for the running of the league in the event the issue is not resolved to their satisfaction.

A total of 16 branch chairmen and their secretaries met in Nairobi on Monday and issued a three-page statement in which they castigated KPL while throwing their weight behind the national office.

“The decision to expand the KPL to 18 teams as presented and adopted at the FKF general meeting of June 28, 2013 is irreversible and binding to all members,” said a statement signed by the officials.

The officials further supported a requirement to change the name of KPL to FKF Premier League saying this was agreed upon at a tripartite meeting between Fifa, FKF and KPL.

Target sponsors

They also took a swipe at sponsors whom they claimed are interfering with the running of the sport.

“We value our partners and sponsors and their contribution to the development of the beautiful game. However, we appeal to them to work within the scope and boundaries of their core functions. In this regard, we fully mandate FKF Executive Committee to engage with potential partners and sponsors to realise the 18 team KPL next season.”

They further supported the decision to take back judicial functions to the federation and urged the FKF to carry out a forensic audit of KPL accounts between 2011 and 2013.

“In the event that KPL fails to fully comply with our directives, we mandate the FKF to open the running of the league to competitive bidding,” they said.

Make demands

The branch officials also called on FKF to license all players in the league and demanded to be included in any contractual obligations between KPL and any sponsors.

Regarding the deadline for KPL to register as members of the federation, the officials said FKF should replace any club that will not have complied with the requirement in time.

Meanwhile, out-going Gor Mahia Secretary General Chris Omondi has explained why he quit his post. Omondi said on Sunday that he was no longer ‘adding value to the club’ and his services were not needed.

The official is expected to formally stand down today. “I have reached a point where it is obvious my presence is not making the club better and the best thing to do is to get off,” he said.

He blamed a difference in vision with other top officials for his resignation.

“We have to look beyond the fact that Gor Mahia have won the Kenyan Premier League (KPL) title twice in a row. For me there are other important things that need to be considered and it looks like I am the only person seeing this,” he said.

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