There are some signs you should watch for that say what sort of lover a new date’s likely to be [Courtesy, Freepik]

Hi Chris,

My last few relationships have ended rather quickly because my new boyfriends turned out to be awful in bed! How can I avoid getting disappointed like that again?
Good Lover?

Hi Good Lover?!

There are some signs you should watch for that say what sort of lover a new date’s likely to be.

Like the more socially skilled he is, the better lover he’ll be. Look for a confident personality, and quickly drop anyone who seems insecure or uptight. His clothes should also match your idea of what’s appropriate for the occasion.

Enthusiastic lovers tend to have good appetites, while picky eaters are generally more reserved. Slow eaters are usually sensual and good at giving pleasure to their partner. As is a date who offers you food to try from their plate.

Watch for confidence, co-ordination and rhythm when your date is dancing, and how well your movements fit together. Because if they do you’re going to be a great couple!

Is his voice full of energy and passion? He’ll be much the same between the sheets. Subdued? That too…

Couples also go through a sort of caressing courtship as they date. Each touching the other and waiting for a touch in return. Gradually raising the tempo. 

So if your date’s touches match your expectations, you know he’s sensitive to your needs. Not too fast, not too slow, quietly and confidently building intimacy between you. And clearly comfortable expressing physical affection. 

Then there’s his kiss. If it’s gorgeous, then the sex will be too. If it isn’t, then there’s trouble ahead. The best lovers create anticipation, starting with tiny kisses and romantic gestures. It’s another courtship dance.

Another strong indicator is how you choose what you’re going to do together on your dates. Because if you’re both willing to talk about what you want to do, and quickly reach agreement, then that suggests that you both know what you like and know how to tell one another. And if you do that in bed too, then you’re not going to be disappointed at all.

All the best,


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