
Rigathi Gachagua accuses Raila of paying criminal gangs to cause mayhem

Azimio la Umoja leaders Raila Odinga and Martha Karua. [Jenipher Wachie, Standard]

After a day of chaos, Kenya Kwanza and Azimio leaders traded accusations on who was to blame for the demonstrations that left scores dead and property worth millions of shillings destroyed.

The protests witnessed in 20 counties left several people dead and scores injured. Speaking in Laikipia, yesterday, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said it was wrong for Azimio leader Raila Odinga to call for demonstrations.

He criticised Raila, saying, "you (Raila) have taken a criminal gang and are paying them little money to cause mayhem. I warned President Uhuru Kenyatta that Raila was the problem. People have died and left orphans; now their families do not know what to do next."

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi condemned the protests, saying they risk derailing the government agenda to revive the economy. He insisted that Azimio leaders be held responsible for the chaos witnessed on Wednesday and the law should take its course.

"It is time to call in the law," he said.

"The Azimio leaders are responsible for leading riots under the guise of peaceful demonstrations that have resulted in wanton destruction of property and loss of lives," he added.

"You cannot be the same person after every five years when you lose elections. You seek avenues to subject a legitimate government to submission. Mambo ya nusu mkate ndio Azimio inatafuta (Azimio is seeking a coalition Government)," Mudavadi said.

And in response to the accusations and Wednesday's aftermath, Azimio La Umoja One Kenya announced suspension of the nationwide anti-government protests to mourn the lives of people lost. Speaking at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga foundation in Nairobi, the leaders led by Raila Odinga, said they would break for five days to show respect for the fallen Kenyans.

"We stand in solidarity with victims of this police brutality and their families. We will offer support to offset costs and help lessen the burden on the families,'' Raila said.

He added: "We have made a decision to observe five days of mourning in solidarity with the victims and their families during which we will try our level best to mobilise support to help lessen the burden on the families of victims."

And although the government, through Interior CS Kithure Kindiki said 14 people have lost their lives, Azimio claim the number is more, and condemned police for "being used by the government to cause chaos and blame Azimio.

Earlier, at Parliament Buildings, Azimio Nairobi parliamentary group claimed more than 18 people had lost their lives in Mlolongo, Dagoreti North, Mathare, Embakasi, Emali among other constituencies.

Broken flower pots

"I have seen the CS mourning over broken flower pots. I want to know how much value he attaches to a person's life. Why doesn't he go to meet the families of the affected?'' ODM secretary general Edwin Sifuna posed.

But President William Ruto's economic advisor, David Ndii, challenged the opposition to continue with the demonstrations, saying Kenya Kwanza was ready to upset the status quo.

"We contested and won the election on a platform of upsetting the status quo. I would be alarmed if the status quo were not upset. Bring it on," Ndii said, adding that, "we are not budging. Overthrow the government if you are able; otherwise, wait for elections."

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei warned that next week when Azimio supporters go to the streets, Kenya Kwanza leaders will have a peaceful seating at former President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila's homes in retaliation.

"Next week, as Azimio-OKA, Tinga and Uhuru prepare for maandamano, the silent majority shall have a peaceful sitting in or courtesy call at the homes and residences of Tinga and Uhuru from Karen, Bondo and Gatundu to protest their destruction of our properties and lives," Cherargei said.

Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr called on the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) to investigate the shooting to death of Miriam Mbithe's son, who had walked out of their house at Posta estate in Makueni when he heard gunshots.

"While our security officers have the onerous duty to maintain law and order, Article 37 of the Constitution is unequivocal that every person has the right, peaceably and unarmed, to assemble, to demonstrate, to picket, and to present petitions to public authorities," said Mutula.

But Interior CS Kithure Kindiki said the government will not relent in its effort to protect lives and property of Kenyans during demonstrations.

Speaking during commissioning of Kiserian Police Station, yesterday, Prof Kindiki warned that protesters who invade business premises will be dealt with the same way as terrorists.

He claimed Wednesday protests were organised and funded by selfish politicians who have no heart for their country. "There's no way we can give you armed security to go and demonstrate with and assist on how to destroy other people's property, we will get them back," said Kindiki.

He ordered the police to deal with the criminals firmly. The CS noted that more than 325 people were arrested including one MP.

Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen termed the Nairobi Expressway's vandalism "a targeted attack" by "economic terrorists," and warned of dire consequences against planners and perpetrators of the damage.

The CS said the government would pass on the cost incurred in repairing the road to Azimio leaders.

"The people who came here were prepared. They came with equipment to cut copper wires and they came knowing where and what to target and inflict the highest impact in terms of damage," Murkomen said, adding that more than 50 people had been arrested in connection to the vandalism, promising action against more vandals captured on CCTV.

He revealed that the government's agreement with Moja Expressway Company, the proprietor of the highway, mandates the state to carry out repairs in case of damage of the kind witnessed during the demos.

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