Ngunjiri Wambugu: Uhuru, Gachagua talks will unite Mt Kenya

Former Nyeri MP Ngunjiri Wambungu during an interview with Spice FM on Thursday, October 12.[Screen Grab, Standard]

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua last week said he would be reaching out to former President Uhuru Kenyatta to bury the hatchet.

The two have been engaged in verbal wars one-too many times making clear their stands.

But it now appears Gachagua has had a change of heart, heaving praises for a man who more than a year ago did not have very kind words for.

Laders have now welcomed the move by the Deputy President saying that it will be beneficial to the people of Mt Kenya.

Speaking on Spice FM on Thursday, October 12, Former Nyeri Member of Parliament Ngunjiri Wambugu said that the planned Uhuru and Gachagua talks are important as they will help unite the two groups.

According to the former lawmaker, the major differences the region is facing right now is between supporters of former President Kenyatta who think Gachagua is not the right leader and those that feel Kenyatta was wrong in supporting Raila Odinga.

By publicly and privately addressing those issues, Wambugu opines it will be easy for Mt Kenya region to move as one.

" At a certain point, the regional interest becomes more important than individual interest and that is what we are seeing. For us to have a unified region, those two must unite and that is what Gachagua is pushing for. This is because Uhuru is the former president and Gachagua is currently the most senior member of the region," said Wambugu.

The move by the DP is just but a housekeeping matter and Kenyans should not read so much into it, said Wambugu.

His remarks come at a time when Gachagua's statement has sparked a national conversation.

This is because he not only said he will reach out to Kenyatta, but also asked leaders in the region to respect him; making it the first time he was heard defending the former president.

"As Mt Kenya leaders, we have agreed not to be fighting Uhuru and I'm planning to hold talks with him. I have ordered everyone to respect him and he is also doing good to keep his peace," said the DP.

The country is now eager to see if the talks will take place and their outcome.

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