They are trying to pin something on me, blogger Pauline Njoroge claims

Blogger Pauline Njoroge at the Jubilee National Delegates Conference (NDC) in May 2023. [Courtesy: Jubilee Party]

Blogger and Digital Strategist Pauline Njoroge now claims that her electronic gadgets were taken to the Cyber Crime Unit in Kiambu County when she was arrested on Saturday, July 22.

In a statement on her social media pages, Njoroge suspected that "the powers that be were still desperately trying to pin something on her."

The blogger further explained receiving unusual calls that she and her friend Jane Nduta had received before they were arrested on that fateful day in Watamu, Kilifi County.

"The caller had identified himself as a person working for a bank. This person claimed that he had some confidential documents that he wanted to give me in Malindi and asked me to go alone. This startled me because I had not posted anywhere that I was at the Coast. So how did he know? Anyway, I decided to ignore," she wrote.

"Nduta also received a call on Saturday morning from a person who wanted to know whether she does tours in Mombasa. We discussed these things and decided to carry on with our day," said Njoroge.

The Digital Strategist says she and her friend were arrested on Saturday noon by police officers who she claimed had been following them. At the time, they had just left their hotel with the aim of touring different locations in Kilifi.

"When we left the hotel we found a double cabin vehicle packed outside the resort. Nduta commented that the occupants had the demeanour of police officers but our driver told us they were probably just neighbours," she narrated.

"We passed the vehicle and proceeded to join the tarmac road. We had hardly gone a kilometre before the very same vehicle blocked us on the road and asked us to follow them to Watamu Police Station."

It is at this point that Njoroge contacted her lawyer and informed him what had transpired.

At the Watamu Police Station, both Njoroge and her friend Nduta were interrogated but from different rooms. Their driver remained in the car.

"After about two hours, the officers took us back to our hotel to search our rooms. In my room, they found collagen and vitamin C supplements which were in the container I purchased them in. Those were what they labelled psychotropic substances. They finished the search in my room and we began to take inventory of the items they had taken, which included my laptop. As we were doing this, one officer came carrying a roll of bangi and said that she had found it behind the TV," claimed Njoroge.

The blogger also narrated how upon further search inside the car they had come in, two rolls of bangi appeared 'mysteriously.'

"The three of us were locked up and one of our lawyers who came to the station that night read to us the OB statement which was already in circulation. It indicated that we had been arrested for being in possession of narcotics and psychotropic substances."

Njoroge was released on a free bond on Monday, July 24. She was charged with hate speech against the State despite police accusing her of being in possession of narcotic drugs.

She remains adamant that she will not be silenced. "I shall not be silenced! By detaining us, you only strengthened our resolve."

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