Cheesy potatoes bake (Photo: Courtesy)

If you think potatoes are the real deal, give this cheesy potatoes bake recipe a try and watch magic happen

What you will need:

1kg potatoes, sliced

5 medium-sized onions, sliced

Juice of 2 limes

1 green pepper, sliced

3 medium sized tomatoes, roughly cut

500ml cooking cream

1 tablespoon tomatoes paste

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon turmeric

1 chicken cube (spice)

1 teaspoon garlic paste

250g mozzarella cheese

Salt to taste


What to do:

In a deep frying pan, pour the oil over medium heat. Fry the potatoes until they are crispy on the outside and cooked on the inside. Place them on a dolly paper to remove excess oil.

In a separate bowl, mix the cream and garlic paste, black pepper, turmeric chicken cube and salt.

Layer half the potatoes on a baking tray. Place half the onions and sweet peppers on top and pour in half the cream. Spread the cream with a spoon and repeat the process. Now add sweet pepper and the remaining cream, and sprinkle tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and oregano.

Dilute the tomato paste with lime juice and pour on the cheese. Bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 1 hour.

Serve hot as a meal on its own.

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