The A-Z of the African Senior Athletics Championships

How teamwork did the trick for Kenyan athletes to the Africa Senior contest

After five days of drama in Asaba, Nigeria, it’s time to take stock of how it all went down.

Curtains at the splendid Stephen Keshi Stadium in Asaba, Nigeria fell on Sunday symbolising the end of the 21st African Senior Athletics Championships.

The closing ceremony had well-choreographed performances from pupils and the older generation of Asaba City.

The sizzling performances from Africa’s finest kept the fans at the edge of their seats.

And below, we take a look at what really stood out in the championships.


Despite being the Capital City of the oil-rich state; Delta, Asaba is laid back.

An aerial view of the town shows an agricultural land that has a huge potential. The environment is green and even in their streets, they have ‘Kidero’ grass which separates the dual carriage.

It has a population of about 149,000 people according to the 2006 census. It’s also home to one of the five monuments in honour of South African former President Nelson Mandela.

Beautiful people and Bible site

The Asaba people are beautiful. They speak pidgin and boast a beautiful culture. They are also very helpful.

The Araya Bible site has a copy of the Holy Bible and it’s not your usual copy. It’s believed that the Holy book landed from heaven around August 1914.


Most people have nicknames that tend to be more famous than their real names. South African World champion Caster Semenya has a new one; Cobra. The woman destroyed Stephen Keshi’s Stadium with ease. With every victory, she did her signature cobra sign. Now you know.


Any successful championships requires appropriate planning. This was not the case with hosts Asaba. From Day One, it was all chaos. From delayed or missed flights to lack of reliable Media Centre, it was all but tumult.

It was as if the hosts were not prepared for the visitors from across Africa. Even as the Local Organising Committee tried to safe face, damage was already done. The LOC boss Chief Solomon Ogba termed the confusion regrettable but said they were satisfied with how the championships ended.

Eze and Egugu

This means king. It is the most expensive, esteemed and demanding traditional title an Asaba person can hold. An Eze title holder cannot spend a night outside the city boundary of Asaba and eats at the same time every day. His initiation lasts for 40 days and is greeted with a royal dance every morning. 

When he dies, the burial ceremony lasts for four weeks and he’s buried

sitting down with a piece of white cloth. A spirit called Egugu is believed to appear whenever a prominent man dies.


This is the staple food here in Nigeria. It is made by mixing and pounding cassava and green plantain to form powder and later mixed with water.

Gold medals

Kenya’s Hellen Obiri was the first athlete to give Kenya her maiden gold medal. Conseslus

Kipruto was second with another gold in 3,000m steeplechase.

Confusion at the start cost Kenya gold medal in men’s 400m. World leader Emmanuel Korir cried foul but his cries fell on deaf

ears. High jump defending champion jumped away with the gold medal. In all, Kenyan athletes went home with 11 gold medals coming top in the medals table.


The temperatures in Asaba were not very conducive. Asaba City sits on a hill near the River Niger. The average annual temperature here are about 27.2 degrees celcius. About 1764mm of rainfall is experienced annually.

The temperatures are highest in March and lowest in August (25.5 degrees celcius). Kenyan athletes who train in high altitude had a difficult moment but made the best out of it.

The mascot of the championship was an eagle named hugo.


Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa is the Governor of Delta State. He is the first governor in Nigeria outside Lagos to host the Confederation of Africa Athletics.


Are you a human rights activist? If so, this name belongs to you. This is a Yoruba name that means fight for the timid. Nigeria who feel oppressed need Jafunojos to fight for their rights.

Most youth here are unemployed and with a population of over 180 million, services of Jafunojos should have come handy, if only to save them from unending gambling. Jaiyeoba means live life like a king.

Keke and Kedu

You want transport in Asaba that costs less? Then keke is your best bet. Keke is a tricycle (Tuk-Tuk for those back home). From the hotel to the stadium, which is about three kilometers away, one has to pay N200 (about Sh100).

The experience using Keke is amazing. One noticeable feature is the lack of motorcycles (Boda boda) here.


The life and bustle in this former capital city is as crazy as that in Nairobi. On Tuesday, our driver had to find an escape route through the slums to beat the mad traffic, a replica of our own Mombasa Road during peak hours.

The matatus here are super old and though they have ‘Michuki clolours’, they are weather-beaten. Some do not have doors and the seats are akin to those for ‘face-me’ matatus back home. The people here are amazing and the accommodation facilities first class.

Media Tribune/Music

On the first day at the Media Tribune, some journalists did not have seats and a few had to make do with the floor. The issue was later solved though.

The Media section at the stadium was, however, not well marked out, which gave room to a few fans to enjoy a vantage position.

This move forced some journalists to follow the championships from the sidelines.


If you want one of the slowest networks, then welcome to Asaba. For a journalist, sending a story or even a video to their respective media houses is pure nightmare thanks to the slow and unreliable Internet connection.

One was forced to purchase a Nigerian line but the expensive airtime was another headache.

For N100 Naira (about Sh50) , one could afford just a few seconds of talk-time minutes.

For one to access the Internet, they had to buy N1000 (Sh500), which still, was unreliable.

Otuogo/Oil State

The River Niger flows into the Atlantic. It creates an incredible coastline in Otuogo. Its golden sandbanks are beautiful and a sight to behold. Delta State is endowed with good amounts of oil and gas resources.

It is the second largest oil producing state in Nigeria accounting to 21.56 percent of the country’s daily crude oil production. The proceeds from oil have boosted the State’s revenue making it one of the richest in the country.


This means pepper, but pronounced as peppe and for visitors, it can take a moment before one realises what’s peppe is all about. Here, this is a delicacy in almost all foods.


You want a quiet place? Do not go to Nigeria. The people here are loud, a simple talk would seem as if it’s a shouting match. Vehicles are also driven in crazier ways than our matatus and the hooting, oh my!


The people here have a lot of respect for each other. A woman bows or bob a curtsy when greeting older man. Please and sorry are spoken so fast here in Asaba.

Stephen Keshi Stadium

It was named after the great Nigerian footballer and coach. He captained the Super Eagles into the only World Cup match he played in 1994.

He led the Super Eagles to victory in the Africa Cup of Nations in South Africa in 2013. In 2014, he led the team to the Fifa World Cup in Brazil.


You may think that people in Mombasa, who do things ‘kwa raha zao’ are slow. In Asaba, people do their stuff slowly. They arrive late and are unapologetic about it.

The time difference between Kenya and Nigeria did not help matters any bit, because it meant waking up earlier than usual.

Unity (Team Kenya)

The Kenyan national team had to spend two days in Lagos after they failed to get connecting flights to Asaba but this di d not dampen their spirits.

Granted, they were discouraged and disappointed, but the unity they had led them to win the overall title.

Once they got to Asaba, they supported each other tremendously.


This word means vote in Igbo. Nigerians will next year head into the ballot box for their national elections. But their polls are set to be the most expensive in their history, according to local media.

Their President Muhammadu Buhari has proposed N242.45 billion ($672.35 million) to their National Assembly.

This is higher by by $50m than what Nigeria spent in their 2015 elections.

It is also higher than what Kenya spent in the last election by $173 million.


Most Nigerian’s speak pidgin. A major phrase is No Wahala, which means there’s no trouble or there’s no probem.

Xpatriate Graveyard

Next time you visit Asaba, you might have to spend the night at The Rodinia Hotel.

Behind it is the Expatriate Graveyard, which acts as a reminder of the British Colonial presence in the city.

This happens to be the resting place of 17 missionaries and colonial workers, who came as Britain proxies.

It sits near River Niger and is very tranquil. But if you want to spend some time in town, there are also beautiful hotels in to sample.

Yam and bean porridge

You want some porridge made from anything? Yes, anything!

Then spare a few thousands of shillings and make your way here to Nigeria.

You will get Yam porridge and even Ojojo, which is fried water yam balls!

Here, you will also have boiled yam, which is served with vegetable sauce that is obviously exceedingly hot.


The young generation despite a majority being unemployed and with a lot of corruption cases reported in the country, they do their best to make ends meet.

Some interviewed the celebrities who were in town.

They then uploaded the interviews and actions on Youtube, where they got likes and in turn, get paid for the views.

Some were selling groundnuts and foodstuff and made profits from the continental championships.

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