Have agenda for football, Tenga urges region’s FAs

Football will only improve in East and Central African region if leaders have concrete agenda and structures for continuity for the game.

Talking to FeverPitch in Brazzaville, Congo, on the sidelines of All Africa Games, which ended last week, Council for East and Central Africa Football Associations (CECAFA) outgoing President, Leodegar Tenga (top right), said despite huge talent in the region, the potential has not been fully realised.

“I am happy that I have left higher standards than when I came in as president. But there is still a lot to do here to realise our full potential,” said the former Tanzanian international, who also headed the Tanzanian FA.

He said he has to leave after the end of his term this year “because I believe in structures and continuity.”

“When I was head of Tanzania FA, I never went beyond my tenure. Same as here,. I will have to leave after my term ends later this year, but we have a hard working secretary general, Nicholas Musonye, who will carry on with the programmes even when the new president comes in,” said Tenga.

“Cecafa still needs Musonye and I have no doubt in my mind that he means well for football in the region, even if he has a few detractors,” said Tenga of his no-nonsense Secretary.

Tenga regretted that Tanzania and Sudan who brought a women’s and men’s teams respectively to these games were eliminated early.

“I know they played well, but in football playing well is never enough. A team have to win to proved that they played well,” he said.

“We need structures and programmes if our football will grow. We must partner with developed countries to improve our game. Youth programmes, women’s football, among others, must grow if the game will match those of West and North Africa,” he said.

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