Road safety initiative aims to educate drivers, reduce accidents

AA Kenya CEO Francis Theuri (centre), Head of Business Development Teddy Mwanza (left) and Head of Operations Timothy Keli go through an enhanced membership propositions during the rolled out recently. [David Njaaga, Standard]

A new initiative that aims to reduce road accidents and promote responsible road behaviour in the country has been launched.

The initiative will provide road safety training and roadside assistance to over 20 million Kenyans..

The training will cover topics such as how to use designated crosswalks and obey traffic signals, emergency response and first aid, and the environmental impact of road transportation.

The initiative is a collaboration between AA Kenya, a leading provider of motoring services in the country, and various insurance service providers, who will offer enhanced membership propositions to their customers.

The partnership will enable both motorists and non-motorists to join AA Kenya membership through different categories that suit their needs.

Motorists can take up the signature membership for Sh3,000 per vehicle per year, which offers benefits such as free road safety training, roadside assistance, towing of up to 10 KM, and air and ground ambulance evacuation from AMREF at discounted rates.

They can also enjoy exclusive discounts of Sh2 per litre on fuel from Total Kenya, and up to 25 per cent off on spare parts and vehicle servicing from select partners.

Non-motorists can join the champion membership for only Sh200 per year, which is designed for people who need to navigate roads safely without owning a vehicle.

The champion membership also includes free road safety training and access to AMREF ambulance services at discounted rates.

AA Kenya CEO Francis Theuri said that the initiative is part of the company's commitment to empower its members and the wider community with the knowledge that saves lives on the roads.

"AA Kenya believes that informed individuals are safer road users. It is for this reason that education, community engagement, and advocacy continue to play pivotal roles in AA Kenya's road safety initiatives. As we move forward, our commitment remains unwavering: to empower our members and the wider community with the knowledge that saves lives on our roads," he said.

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