
Musalia Mudavadi, the darling of presidents

Mudavadi served for 14 years in the Kanu government as Minister for Supplies and Marketing, Finance and Transport and Communication.

Following Kanu's defeat in the 2002 General Election, that saw Mwai Kibaki take over as the third president of Kenya, Mudavadi was in the political cold for five years having lost the Sabatia parliamentary seat until 2007 when he made a comeback.

Notably, during the grand coalition government formed after the Koffi Annan-led Serena talks following the 2007/2008 post-election violence, Mudavadi who had backed Raila Odinga's presidential bid, was appointed Deputy Prime Minister.

Kibaki maintained a close working relationship with him and towards the end of his term though not covertly, backed Mudavadi to succeed him in the 2013 General Election.

In 2012, Mudavadi fell out with Raila over the picking of ODM presidential flag bearer.

He ditched the party in April 2012 and joined the United Democratic Front, (UDF) before leaving for Amani National Congress in 2015.

Former Mandera Senator Hassan Osman who worked closely with Kibaki and Mudavadi said the former President actually wanted the Prime Cabinet Secretary to succeed him.

"Kibaki believed that Mudavadi was a gentleman who was trusted, loyal, bright and humble and could lead the country when he left," said Osman who was UDF chairman.

He said the formation of UDF was meant to prepare the way for Mudavadi to take over from Kibaki.

"The late Kibaki believed that Mudavadi could take the country forward from where he had left," said Osman.

In the run up to 2013 General Election, former President Uhuru Kenyatta, uncertain of his candidature, signed a document with Mudavadi pledging to support him in the 2013 presidential election.

President William Ruto, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and a host of Cabinet Secretaries during a Cabinet Meeting held at State House Nairobi. [PCS]

Recently, Gachagua said that he had asked the Head of State to allow him handle the internal matters.

"I have heard people saying that Mudavadi is doing my job. That he is the one going to Nigeria while I have been handed the ordinary jobs of fighting alcohol and drug abuse," he told faithfuls during a church service in June.

The DP said the only trip he prefers going for resource mobilisation trips. "If I go to see a new President being sworn in, what do I bring back? I do not need it," Gachagua said.

Political analyst Javas Bigambo, said Mudavadi has cultivated an aura of a trustworthy, dependable politician, technically having characteristics that are rare of Kenyan politicians.

Bigambo noted that Mudavadi is not divisive, has not aggravated volatile ethnic politics and always seems ready to be guided.

"And because he has not come out a man with raw ambitions so it is easy to have him side by side. He portrays a picture that he is not thirsty for power," he said.

So Moi, Kibaki, Uhuru and now Ruto have been easy with Mudavadi all because of the characteristic that he does not exude the raw ambition of being a person who can challenge the status quo.

However, Bigambo said his glorious character has also been his doom because he has been put to scale that did not make a strong showing because he has not personally ventured to make network across the country.

"His glory and his doom are twinned and he will need to create a split between his groly and doom for him to rise to the presidency in future," said Bigambo.

At 62, Mudavadi is the one of the longest-serving politicians to be appointed to President Ruto's Cabinet.