Kikuyu elders in Bondo to endorse Raila Odinga

Kochia Traditional dancers from Homa Bay County entertain Kikuyu Council of Elders at Kan'go Ka Jaramogi. [Isaiah Gwengi, Standard]

In what is seen as a 2022 succession politics, over 500 Kikuyu elders on Saturday morning arrived at Kang’o Karajamogi in Bondo to endorse ODM leader Raila Odinga's 2022 presidential bid.

6AM: Kikuyu Council of Elders arrive at Kang’o Karajaramogi, Bondo in choppers and buses.

7AM: ODM Raila Odinga is said to have arrived at Kan'go Ka Jaramogi with several MPs, Governors and senators joining him.

8AM: Dancing troops led by Kochia traditional dancers, Nyatiti and Apoya women dancers entertained the guests.

11AM: Raila accompanied by several MPs and Kikuyu Council of Elders Chairman Wachira Kiago honour the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.

1200: Prayers were led by Bishop of Bondo diocese Prof David Kodia and Bishop Ogonyo Ngede.

The delegation led Kiago arrived in Bondo by 6am in their brown regalia, the aim of the visit being to foster a political unity with their Luo Nyanza counterparts among other matters of national importance.

Also in the delegation is former Presidential candidate and Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth.

Former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth arrives in Bondo. [Isaiah Gwengi]

The visit comes after strategy meetings that were held in Nairobi and Kisumu between select representatives of Kikuyu and Luo Council of Elders.

Mama Ida Odinga with some of the Mt Kenya elders at their Bondo home. [Courtesy]

Seen to be behind the political visit are anti-Deputy President William Ruto forces in Mt Kenya region led by Jubilee National Vice-Chairman David Murathe and Nominated MP Maina Kamanda.

The two are leading the elders rallying call to endorse Odinga as a one-term president in 2022.

To underscore the importance of the visit, Raila skipped the interfaith prayer session at State House, Nairobi led by President Uhuru Kenyatta to be with the Mt Kenya delegation.