Stuck in ‘Play’?


The popular myth of men getting ‘stuck’ inside women

Matters of sexual make dramatic headlines and excite animated discussions. The occasional couple reportedly caught ‘stuck’ in a compromising position will be the talk of town for quite a while. 

When engrossed in it, few realise that the story is usually a rumour or hearsay. A number of the episodes have been exposed as hoaxes only after the schemers have made their money charging curious people who are shown the bed the supposedly ‘stuck’ couple had been on.

This is a condition mostly associated with witchcraft in Africa and is scientifically so rare and of such little consequence that in the developed world, it has been relegated to the category of myths.


Many people consider this to be a cheated husband’s way of taming the wife by using black magic that somehow makes the woman and her lover get stuck during sexual intercourse, the way dogs do.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The condition is called “penis captivus”, a female sexual disorder in which the vaginal muscles undergo strong spasms during sex to literary entrap the penis.

It is a form of the more common disorder of vaginal penetration called vaginismus. 

In the medical literature, there are only two mentions of this condition; and in both events, the doctors were only narrating what those involved said. The whole of the 20th Century and so far in this century, there has been no documented cases the world over. 


It usually involves a nervous, excitable female. This woman shows elements of poor psychological development and will be overly dependent on others for varied forms of support. She may or may not have the other form of vaginismus that shows as difficult or painful vaginal penetration.

Commonly, it is in an adulterous liaison in places that heighten a sense of insecurity and the couple usually has some stakes to lose given their standing in the society. The unfavourable environmental and personality combinations inevitably lead to a pronounced vaginal muscular spasm that transiently entraps the penis.


Much of what is said is made-up stories. If black magic got men to stick in women, we would all have seen them. In the unlikely event of finding yourself ‘stuck’, don’t get dramatic. Just relax and you will be out in no time.