IEBC should respect Karen residents’ voice

I wish to thank Okech Kendo sincerely for shouting aloud in his article in “The Standard of Thursday, January 24 (Changing Times) about the mis-registration of voters at St Mary’s Primary School, Karen.  

  I am one of those who initially registered at this centre but on enquiry by SMS at IEBC I get informed that my name appears in the Ngong Forest Primary School register, which obviously should not be the case.

I can assure you that I am not the only one with this misfortune as I noticed about 300 people with similar complaint when I visited the centre.  When the registers were opened for inspection   two weeks ago I visited St Mary’s Polling Stations and filled a form, which was meant to trigger the necessary corrections, however, up to the time of this letter my SMS enquiry at the IEBC still responds with the erroneous registration centre. Why is IEBC denying some Kenyans the right to vote?

  This kind of mistake/s by the IEBC may cause voter apathy. Voters may find it a bother on voting day to walk to a distant centre away from where they actually registered.  What IEBC should do is to examine the original documents with a “tooth-pick”.  Mr Kendo   your voice is louder than a single one, keep it up.

Heram Okoth, Karen