People of Askeleton destined for hell

By Athman Amran

PREVIOUSLY: Zanga met a woman with hollow eyes. He learnt the woman and others in Askeleton continuously suffer for the evil they did while living on Earth.

When Zanga returned to the castle, he noticed it was not getting any darker. It was always twilight in the Kingdom of Askeleton.

Zanga did not see the sun when he went around the Kingdom. The sky and clouds were dark blue.

He did not notice any ocean, sea or river during his tour. There was also no wind and the weather was cold.

Strangely, he did not feel hungry or thirsty.

Damien and Gambon escorted the boy to the throne.

"Can we be of further service, master?" Damien asked.

"Where does Askeleton get its light from?" Zanga asked.

"Beyond the thick, dark blue clouds is a sun, which is billions of times hotter than the sun in the Earth dimension," Damien said.

"Wow! And why is it not getting dark like it does on Earth?" Zanga asked.

"This world does not revolve around its axis like the Earth. It stands still, thus the constant light of the sun hidden beyond the dark clouds. On the other side of this world is complete darkness — the abyss*," Damien said.

"But where exactly is this world?" Zanga asked.

"This dimension is just a step away from Earth dimension; yet it is billions of light years** away. It is only people with special powers like you that can step from one dimension into another in seconds," Damien said.

"And what happens when the dark thick clouds disappear?" Zanga asked.

"On that day, this world will melt. And because this world is constant and life is also constant, it will remain and the people on it will continue burning forever because they never die," Damien said.

"So that is the fate of these people?" Zanga asked.

"That’s what on Earth they call Hell," Damien said.

*Abyss — bottomless pit

**Light year — the distance the light of the sun travels in a year (10 trillion kilometres)

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