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At the Turkana stand, county representatives Simon Ekomwa and Mary Agialan showcased their bead products. "We make beaded belts, traditional attire, walking sticks among other items to generate income," said Agialan.
Their belts retailed at Sh3,000 a piece, walking sticks and ornamental attire at between Sh8,000 and Sh10,000.
The neighbouring county of West Pokot showcased organic honey products, gold, iron ore, limestone, Ushanga products and cultural artefacts among others. Most of the products have been produced by small-scale industries.
West Pokot Director of Communications Nicholas Siwotom said: "Our county is known for hidden treasures because there are diverse products and opportunities which are yet to be exploited."
Innovations in agro-processing and solid waste management were the main focus in the exhibition stand of Kisii county government.
Sub-county environment officer Obara Hesbond said the county government had empowered groups to mitigate the impact of climate change by adding value to waste products.
"Due to a high population in Kisii urban centres, solid waste management had been a challenge, but the county government has given room for resource recovery through recycling of plastic products," said Obara.
The groups recycle waste to produce plastic strings used to weave attractive products including food baskets, chicken nets, pins among other products.
She said devolution has helped boost the region, noting that small holder farmers are aggregated and participate in seed production through support of National Irrigation Authority.
Highland regions of Baringo produce black and purple tea, pyrethrum, potatoes, coffee, dairy, and Horticulture among others while lowlands produce Mangoes, which were part of products on display.
In Garissa County, the infamous Mathenge weed is converted into human and livestock food.
On display at the county stand were chapati and flour derived from dry Mathenge pods.
Nuh Kusow Farah from County department of Trade said the produce is nutritious after value addition.
Hassan Hussein Sheikh said devolution had empowered rural communities to value add products and source external markets.
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Hassan said the conference in Eldoret allows him to market Camel milk, Camel Yoghurt, camel biscuit cookies and also camel milk and honey chocolates that he was showcasing.
Leila Abdi, the Treasurer Tawakal Women's Cooperative Society, had unique products in the Isiolo County exhibition stand.
"Since devolution, Kakamega County has invested Sh3.9 billion on agriculture subsidy that has improved maize production from eight bags to 15 per acre every season," said Titus Omengo, the Director of agriculture.
On display was the subsidized fertiliser retailing at Sh1,485 per 25 kg for planting and Sh1,165 for top dressing.
The county has also invested in a fish factory that packages smoked Tilapia and catfish. The products with shelf life of two years retails at Sh1,000 per kilogramme.
At the Kirinyaga stand, seedling propagation using new technologies was the main focus.
Michael Njue of Farmtech seedlings said local food crop farmers have been sourcing seedlings from green houses in the distant Naivasha.
"The county government enabled us through training to embrace new seedling propagation techniques. It is now generating income and employment opportunities," said Njue.
Njue took advantage of the Devolution Conference to market tomatoes, kales, avocado and spinach among other seedlings.