Why PAC Chairman has his work cut out

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Kenyans will admit that the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC) investigating corruption in Kenya needs legwork and a bit of luck. This is because, the committee members are made to follow up leads police have failed, going down several blind alleys and playing one hunch then another.

The Chairman of PAC Professor Nicholas Gumbo has his work cut out with respect to the magnitude of the unresolved mystery of National Youth Service scandal before his committee and himself.

Opening a Pandora box, a vault that would spew all manner of strange and terrible secrets will explain an awful lot concerning what went on corruptly in form of shady deals and pay offs, however, it requires the absolute imperative nature of ultimate skill, cold audacity of grave digger order to nub the culprits.

This is because of the fact that, some of the committee members delegated the responsibility of unearthing the scandal linked to the same. Meaning that, PAC parse, ante up for the big game of trying to fix up the obtaining jigsaw puzzle, to avoid compromising the investigation.

Names of who is who have been mentioned concerning the National Youth scandal. Therefore, due to the suspects adverse mention some have been summoned for appearance before the before the committee while others have filed submissions. My view, the defendants filing of written submissions cannot do away with any shadow of doubt regarding their culpability hence its prudent for them to appear in person.

National Youth fraud is a shared national experience with bearings of political dynamite. The initial narrative of corruption touched and mentioned adversely people in the government. However, the emerging fresh evidence crucifies others in opposition an indication of cold-blooded tale of corruption that haunts the hunter and the hunted.

Its Kenyans belief that regardless of accusation, counter accusation, suspicion and doubts among PAC members they will ultimately pull at all loose ends until whole mystery finally unravels.

One sad thing about ongoing PAC investigation is that, when session appears to zero-in on the particular evidence concerning a person adversely mentioned, political interference takes centre stage.

But when I put all together , the NYS scandal offers a sense of some mentioned politicians wanting to play to the gallery, playing their tricks on us trying to keep us from unmasking them and compound PAC’s investigative difficulties by making them start all over or follow another trail.

What is distinct and unmistakable is that, National Youth swindle, is far more sweeping, it has touched on socio-economic –political aspect of this country. Youths monthly earning for upkeep has since dried; politicians’ socialization with each other has been hurt and to some extent curtailed due to corruption characteristics.

In summation, PAC’s investigation into Kes, 790m National Youth Service scandal should not be a public passion play, a hidden backstage drama, but an integrated effort meant to get things done over all obstacles and get the desired result for the sake of the Kenyan taxpayers.