Was it a coincidence that the day Uhuru Kenyatta invited the retired President Moi and the retired Nicholas Biwott to State house was the same day that the retired General Joseph Nkaissery ordered for the arrest of a journalist simply for being a journalist? Was it a coincidence too that it was the the same day that Uhuru Kenyatta made the first step towards an old Moi era, divide and rule move on the KNUT?
The retired trio seemed unaware that things had changed so much and that there was a new constitution with a strengthened bill of rights which does no longer allow for arrest of a journalist for simply making information that is not classified in the first place, public information.
Reeling from a threat from the KNUT Secretary General that the teachers will not be mere observers come the 2017 elections and the public outcry against corruption has all the hallmarks of causing civil unrest if not contained, THE President rushed for advice from the retired duo and ordered the retired Nkaissery to arrest a journalist on no legal grounds. He could not even sleep on the other idea and on the same day and hurriedly invited the KNUT Chairman without the his Secretary General to State House with the sole intention of weakening the giant teachers union.
Whether old ways will work on the new Kenya is a matter of wait and see,but one thing is for sure,the retired must be left to enjoy their retirement in peace. Their old ways were assured of working well only on the old days.