Anti-corruption detectives question immigration boss


Besieged Director of Immigration Jane Waikenda has been questioned by anticorruption officers investigating an alleged irregular issuance of work permits to foreigners at her department.

Waikenda, however, dodged the Press and left the Integrity Centre through the rear exit after her grilling.

Ms Waikenda arrived at Integrity Centre at about 9am and left at between 2.30 and 3pm after answering a number of questions regarding the allegations.

But later officials at the Ethics and Anti-Corruption (EACC) said the interrogation was successful and that she would be invited to go back on need basis.

“Investigations are ongoing and we hope to finish soon. She will be back as and when needed by the detectives,” said EACC Spokesman Yasin Amaro.

The probe, according to sources, is trying to establish how about 300 work permits were irregularly issued to foreigners, mostly from China and India.

Other officials claimed she was set up.

Lask week, Waikenda collapsed at the offices moments after she was arrested by anticorruption.