Cord offers to help bring back UhuRuto cases


President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto will have to submit to the International Criminal Court as they continue to fight off the charges facing them.

National Assembly Deputy Minority Leader Jakoyo Midiwo says the failure to adopt the resolution was a reminder to Uhuru and Ruto that they must work with all politicians to find a local solution.

“Let us sort out this ICC thing, because it is holding the country at ransom in a way that we may never recover,” he said yesterday.

He said CORD was willing to discuss having the cases referred back to Kenya, but there has to be “genuine reforms in the Judiciary and police. The Judiciary, as it is now, is worse than it was five years ago,” said Midiwo.

But Boniface Otsiula (Bumula), said the UNSC failure to defer the cases, had given the coalition an ample opportunity to activate the legislative push to repeal the International Crimes Act and eventually pull Kenya out of the ICC.

Otsiula said the countries that abstained from the vote to frustrate Kenya’s request to defer the cases were somewhat paying back Kenya for the economic decision it has taken to “look East” and deal with the likes of China and Russia.

“We will go to the Assembly of State Parties and tell them to work on the administrative challenges while we continue with the legal applications in court…,” he told The Standard on Sunday.