Heavy rains cause havoc in Vanga

Residents and the local administration have differed over what caused the death of a 12-year-old girl from Tsuini village in Vanga.

Residents claim Mariam Siasa Nohamed was washed away by floods but Msambweni Deputy County Commissioner Mwangangi Mwania says she slid and fell into a well.

Speaking to the Press, Mr Mwania insisted the girl's death has nothing to do with the current rains and flooding in the area.

"I can confirm she is dead but her death occurred when she slid and fell into a well where she went to fetch water. We therefore cannot say it has anything to do with the rains," he said.

At the same time, Mwania has asked residents living downstream River Mkurumudzi to move to higher grounds.

This comes after three people from Vumbu village were rescued from their submerged homes.

"We are asking them to leave these dangerous areas to high areas which are safer. Plans are underway to ensure they get basic things like food and shelter but they first must move to save their lives," he said.

Transport has also been affected with boda boda operators charging exorbitant fares.