Why we must embrace cultural terrorists
As gifted Kenyan diplomat Martin Kimani has recently written, terrorism of the sort experienced in Kenya stems from the desire of certain individuals to return to nostalgic, misremembered pasts; it is the abhorrent consequence of fundamentalist thinking, whether this be the religious ideology of any faith, or a narrowly political ideology.
By Stephen Derwent Partington 10 years ago
Why we must embrace cultural terrorists
Orature is here and everywhere, healthy, equal and always alive
Ugly stepsister: Oral literature was denigrated in often racist fashion by colonial anthropologists.
By Stephen Derwent Partington 10 years ago
Orature is here and everywhere, healthy, equal and always alive
A tongue in cheek view of racism and Kenya’s bid to fight ICC cases
The persistence of ‘whites’ in Kenya is perhaps best demonstrated by the Portuguese, who first arrived in Mombasa in the early 16th century.
A tongue in cheek view of racism and Kenya’s bid to fight ICC cases