The deadly coronavirus can be defeated by a careful strategy
In times of a major crisis, the vulnerable nations are hit the hardest
By Benard amaya 4 years ago
The deadly coronavirus can be defeated by a careful strategy
Jobs agency should be set on the right path to succeed
Employment opportunities have increased, while unemployment has drastically reduced.
By Benard amaya 5 years ago
Jobs agency should be set on the right path to succeed
Move investment in hotels out of Nairobi
Quality accommodation is key factor that contributes towards a destination competitiveness.
By Benard amaya 5 years ago
Move investment in hotels out of Nairobi
Why citizens should rally behind Uhuru, Raila BBI initiative
President Uhuru Kenyatta and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga shook hands in what signaled the end of political animosity, consequently lowering political tem
By Benard Amaya 5 years ago
Why citizens should rally behind Uhuru, Raila BBI initiative
Why leaders must make Obama visit count
Barack Obama is a history maker
By Benard Amaya 6 years ago
Why leaders must make Obama visit count
OPINION: Why Kenyans' response to Matiba's death appears hypocritical
Kenneth Matiba's death has removed the lid on our hypocrisy towards national heroes
By Benard Amaya 6 years ago
OPINION: Why Kenyans' response to Matiba's death appears hypocritical
Kenneth Matiba - A living testimony of police brutality in Kenya
<p >Since the colonial era, Kenyans have been subjected to police brutality
By Benard Amaya 7 years ago
Kenneth Matiba - A living testimony of police brutality in Kenya
NASA bosses must accept poll defeat or go to court
<p>The dispute arising from announcement of the presidential election results is assuming a dangerous trajectory
By Benard Amaya 7 years ago
NASA bosses must accept poll defeat or go to court
The only community in Kenya capable of deciding who wins presidency come August
<p>The Luhya community is the second most populous ethnic group in Kenya after the Kikuyu
By Benard Amaya 7 years ago
The only community in Kenya capable of deciding who wins presidency come August
Mudavadi and Wetangula have achieved a rare feat for the Luhya community
<p>The populous Luhyia has suffered the jinx of disunity for decades
By Benard Amaya Nairobi 7 years ago
Mudavadi and Wetangula have achieved a rare feat for the Luhya community
Presidential candidates should present long-term strategies
As the August 8 General Election nears, presidential candidates are busy making all manner of pledges
By Benard Amaya 7 years ago
Presidential candidates should present long-term strategies
Mudavadi has matured politically, here’s why
Amani National Congress Musalia Mudavadi, the man once described as the gentleman of Kenya’s politics has undergone total metamorphosis
By Benard Amaya 7 years ago
Mudavadi has matured politically, here’s why
Reconstitute Vision 2030 secretariat
The Vision 2030 development process was launched by President Mwai Kibaki in October 2006 when he instructed the National Vision Steering Committee to produce a
By Benard Amaya, Nairobi 7 years ago
Reconstitute Vision 2030 secretariat
Raila Odinga must do this one thing if he wants to clinch the top seat by a fair margin
The National Super Alliance (NASA) has finally named its lineup
By Benard Amaya 7 years ago
Raila Odinga must do this one thing if he wants to clinch the top seat by a fair margin
We won’t take nothing short of fair nominations
For many years, Kenya’s political parties have conducted shambolic primaries
By Benard Amaya 7 years ago
We won’t take nothing short of fair nominations
Musalia Mudavadi's new role has raised his profile
It is now official - Musalia Mudavadi is the anointed spokesman of the Luhya community
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Musalia Mudavadi's new role has raised his profile
Mr. President, it is time to take the bull by its horns
It is so disheartening when the CEO of the nation bemoans the failure of his government to tame a vice.
By Titus Pala and Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Mr. President, it is time to take the bull by its horns
State not willing to address cane farmers’ woes
Cane farming is an economic mainstay for millions of citizens, especially in the Western region.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
State not willing to address cane farmers’ woes
Applicants for CJ position must be honest, professional
Distinguished legal scholar Prof Makau Mutua displayed rare intellectual wit, courage and honesty during the interviews for the Chief Justice. The US-based professor handled all questions including the controversial ones meticulously and with utmost intellectual finesse.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Applicants for CJ position must be honest, professional
Utalii should manage Ronald Ngala college
For more than four decades, Kenya Utalii College (KUC) has remained the institution of choice for those who want to pursue a career in the hospitality and tourism industry.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Utalii should manage Ronald Ngala college
America should make wise choice in polls
US will be going to elections in November to elect President Barack Obama's successor.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
America should make wise choice in polls
Political Parties Act has killed democracy
In a country where personality cult drives national politics, the signing of a new law allowing defectors change parties without seeking fresh mandate from voters has simply signaled the end of political entities.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Political Parties Act has killed democracy
Law on defection bad for democracy
In a country where personality cults drive national politics, the signing of a new law allowing defectors to change parties without seeking fresh mandate from voters has simply signalled the end of political entities in Kenya.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Law on defection bad for democracy
Nationalism bad for world economy
Campaigns for the White House seem to be taking a nationalistic dimension.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Nationalism bad for world economy
Like Omtatah, we can all make a difference
A nation becomes great depending on the character of its citizens. In the same vein, a good Constitution is only effective if the citizens are eternally vigilant and exercise their rights.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Like Omtatah, we can all make a difference
Voters should reject inciting leaders
Recent inflammatory remarks attributed to politicians should awaken our collective patriotism and national consciousness.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Voters should reject inciting leaders
Kenya is now officially a bandit economy
It is now official; Kenya is a “bandit economy“; our land has reached the lowest point in graft.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Kenya is now officially a bandit economy
Motive of colleges is purely profit
In this era of the liberalisation of higher education, various disciplines have been diluted by colleges and universities.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Motive of colleges is purely profit
Utalii College needs more support
Kenya Utalii College occupies a unique position in hospitality and tourism training.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Utalii College needs more support
Mama Lucy has left an indelible mark
The death of former First Lady Lucy Kibaki is not only a big blow to her family but also the entire country.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Mama Lucy has left an indelible mark
Kenya is bleeding
Corruption in both the private and public sector is choking the country. Every day the country is being treated to one form of corruption or the other.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Kenya is bleeding
Agency ineffective in auditing parastatals
The agency in charge of inspecting operations of State corporations has come under sharp focus following claims of massive graft at the Youth Enterprise Development Fund.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Agency ineffective in auditing parastatals
Parastatal appointments should be open to all ethnicities
According to the constitution of Kenya, all public institutions are supposed to represent the face of Kenya. The same applies to the cabinet.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
Parastatal appointments should be open to all ethnicities
CSs shouldn’t interfere with State corporations
The Constitution of Kenya envisaged and provided for separation of powers among the various arms of government.
By Benard Amaya 8 years ago
CSs shouldn’t interfere with State corporations
Fill vacant positions in State corporations
Boards and councils of State corporations are their supreme organs.
By Benard Amaya 9 years ago
Fill vacant positions in State corporations
It is not too late for Kenya to solve mess in education sector
Education is the foundation of civilisation in all societies worldwide.
By Benard Amaya 9 years ago
It is not too late for Kenya to solve mess in education sector
Nervousness amongst Kenyans increases as Jubilee and CORD embroiled in harsh exchanges
General elections are always the worst periods for Kenyans. It is during electioneering that politicians unleash their dirty tricks characterized by ethnic hatred and bribery.
By Benard Amaya 9 years ago
Nervousness amongst Kenyans increases as Jubilee and CORD embroiled in harsh exchanges
Review law to strengthen Senate
The promulgation of the Constitution in 2010 ushered in a golden era in the development of rural areas. Regions which were categorised as peripheral became the nucleus of development. Many rural residents have hailed devolution for bringing development closer to them.
By Benard Amaya 9 years ago
Review law to strengthen Senate
Political parties have no ideologies
Since independence, Kenya has practised pseudo-democracy. Elections have been nothing but ethnic competition for power where large tribes carry the day. There is no semblance of ideology.
By Benard Amaya 9 years ago
Political parties have no ideologies
Learning should focus on character
Education can be defined as the process of imparting skills, knowledge and attitudes to a person for purposes of bringing desired behavioural change in them
By Benard Amaya 9 years ago
Learning should focus on character
Living for the dead: When you have to stop grieving
By Ciku Kimani-Mwaniki
1 hr ago
Playing by the rules, now setting them...
Volleyball and Handball
By Elizabeth Mburugu
1 hr ago
The disconnect between Ajira Digital Program and job market
By Graham Kajilwa
2 hrs ago
UoN Chancellor warns of 'house on fire'
By Mike Kihaki
2 hrs ago