New procedure offers hope for patients with heart conditions
A new non-surgical heart procedure is proving to be a game changer, especially for patients with critical underlying conditions.
By 3 months ago
New procedure offers hope for patients with heart conditions
Silent struggle as women endure pain, costs of Endometriosis
According to the WHO, treatments for managing endometriosis can vary based on the severity of symptoms and whether pregnancy is desired. There is currently no cure for the disease.
By 4 months ago
Silent struggle as women endure pain, costs of Endometriosis
Breaking silence: Women's health rights crusaders changing trauma into triumph
According to recent data from KIPPRA, approximately 34 per cent of women in Kenya have experienced physical violence since the age of 15, with 13 per cent reporting sexual violence.
By 5 months ago
Breaking silence: Women's health rights crusaders changing trauma into triumph
How period poverty almost ruined my womanhood bliss
For Risper, the struggle with poverty in her home denied her a chance to enjoy womanhood but rather made her regret being born a girl.
By 6 months ago
How period poverty almost ruined my womanhood bliss
Behind the mirth, comedian 'Akuku Danger' is a sickle cell warrior
Akuku Danger was born in 1990 in Migori County in a family of six siblings. He was born a healthy child, but things started going south when he was 7 months old.
By 6 months ago
Behind the mirth, comedian 'Akuku Danger' is a sickle cell warrior
Scholar's initiative on pads strives to achieve menstrual equity
Moved by the plight of girls missing school due to a lack of menstrual hygiene products, Dr Maureen Adoyo embarked on a journey to revolutionise their lives.
By 6 months ago
Scholar's initiative on pads strives to achieve menstrual equity
Patience, love and care; a couple's walk in parenting an autistic child
Autism is a term that is used to describe a broad range of conditions relating to the development of the brain.
By 6 months ago
Patience, love and care; a couple's walk in parenting an autistic child
New procedure offers hope for patients with heart conditions
A new non-surgical heart procedure is proving to be a game changer, especially for patients with critical underlying conditions.
By 3 months ago
New procedure offers hope for patients with heart conditions
Silent struggle as women endure pain, costs of Endometriosis
According to the WHO, treatments for managing endometriosis can vary based on the severity of symptoms and whether pregnancy is desired. There is currently no cure for the disease.
By 4 months ago
Silent struggle as women endure pain, costs of Endometriosis
Breaking silence: Women's health rights crusaders changing trauma into triumph
According to recent data from KIPPRA, approximately 34 per cent of women in Kenya have experienced physical violence since the age of 15, with 13 per cent reporting sexual violence.
By 5 months ago
Breaking silence: Women's health rights crusaders changing trauma into triumph
How period poverty almost ruined my womanhood bliss
For Risper, the struggle with poverty in her home denied her a chance to enjoy womanhood but rather made her regret being born a girl.
By 6 months ago
How period poverty almost ruined my womanhood bliss
Behind the mirth, comedian 'Akuku Danger' is a sickle cell warrior
Akuku Danger was born in 1990 in Migori County in a family of six siblings. He was born a healthy child, but things started going south when he was 7 months old.
By 6 months ago
Behind the mirth, comedian 'Akuku Danger' is a sickle cell warrior
Scholar's initiative on pads strives to achieve menstrual equity
Moved by the plight of girls missing school due to a lack of menstrual hygiene products, Dr Maureen Adoyo embarked on a journey to revolutionise their lives.
By 6 months ago
Scholar's initiative on pads strives to achieve menstrual equity
Patience, love and care; a couple's walk in parenting an autistic child
Autism is a term that is used to describe a broad range of conditions relating to the development of the brain.
By 6 months ago
Patience, love and care; a couple's walk in parenting an autistic child
New procedure offers hope for patients with heart conditions
A new non-surgical heart procedure is proving to be a game changer, especially for patients with critical underlying conditions.
By 3 months ago
New procedure offers hope for patients with heart conditions
Silent struggle as women endure pain, costs of Endometriosis
According to the WHO, treatments for managing endometriosis can vary based on the severity of symptoms and whether pregnancy is desired. There is currently no cure for the disease.
By 4 months ago
Silent struggle as women endure pain, costs of Endometriosis
Breaking silence: Women's health rights crusaders changing trauma into triumph
According to recent data from KIPPRA, approximately 34 per cent of women in Kenya have experienced physical violence since the age of 15, with 13 per cent reporting sexual violence.
By 5 months ago
Breaking silence: Women's health rights crusaders changing trauma into triumph
How period poverty almost ruined my womanhood bliss
For Risper, the struggle with poverty in her home denied her a chance to enjoy womanhood but rather made her regret being born a girl.
By 6 months ago
How period poverty almost ruined my womanhood bliss
Behind the mirth, comedian 'Akuku Danger' is a sickle cell warrior
Akuku Danger was born in 1990 in Migori County in a family of six siblings. He was born a healthy child, but things started going south when he was 7 months old.
By 6 months ago
Behind the mirth, comedian 'Akuku Danger' is a sickle cell warrior
Scholar's initiative on pads strives to achieve menstrual equity
Moved by the plight of girls missing school due to a lack of menstrual hygiene products, Dr Maureen Adoyo embarked on a journey to revolutionise their lives.
By 6 months ago
Scholar's initiative on pads strives to achieve menstrual equity
Patience, love and care; a couple's walk in parenting an autistic child
Autism is a term that is used to describe a broad range of conditions relating to the development of the brain.
By 6 months ago
Patience, love and care; a couple's walk in parenting an autistic child
Breaking silence: Women's health rights crusaders changing trauma into triumph
According to recent data from KIPPRA, approximately 34 per cent of women in Kenya have experienced physical violence since the age of 15, with 13 per cent reporting sexual violence.
By Rodgers Otiso 5 months ago
Breaking silence: Women's health rights crusaders changing trauma into triumph
How period poverty almost ruined my womanhood bliss
For Risper, the struggle with poverty in her home denied her a chance to enjoy womanhood but rather made her regret being born a girl.
By Rodgers Otiso 6 months ago
How period poverty almost ruined my womanhood bliss
Behind the mirth, comedian 'Akuku Danger' is a sickle cell warrior
Akuku Danger was born in 1990 in Migori County in a family of six siblings. He was born a healthy child, but things started going south when he was 7 months old.
By Rodgers Otiso 6 months ago
Behind the mirth, comedian 'Akuku Danger' is a sickle cell warrior
Scholar's initiative on pads strives to achieve menstrual equity
Moved by the plight of girls missing school due to a lack of menstrual hygiene products, Dr Maureen Adoyo embarked on a journey to revolutionise their lives.
By Rodgers Otiso 6 months ago
Scholar's initiative on pads strives to achieve menstrual equity
Patience, love and care; a couple's walk in parenting an autistic child
Autism is a term that is used to describe a broad range of conditions relating to the development of the brain.
By Rodgers Otiso 6 months ago
Patience, love and care; a couple's walk in parenting an autistic child
My acne story: Highs, lows and new-found self-love
Lynette Wambui, a content creator and an undergraduate student at Maasai Mara University is bravely raising awareness about acne, a common skin condition caused by blocked skin pores.
By Rodgers Otiso 7 months ago
My acne story: Highs, lows and new-found self-love
My struggle with bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterised by extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).
By Rodgers Otiso 7 months ago
My struggle with bipolar disorder
Students champion sustainability with reusable diaper innovation
Diapers innovated by these students are meant for teenagers and elderly people who are facing various challenges that cause them to have incontinence or those who are bedridden
By Rodgers Otiso 7 months ago
Students champion sustainability with reusable diaper innovation
Esther Mwangi: 'One minute I was fine, the next, I had a swollen leg'
Dr Kibet Shikuku says DVT is a condition that occurs when an abnormal blood clot forms in one or more of the deep veins in the body, usually in the legs, which causes leg pain or swelling.
By Rodgers Otiso 9 months ago
Esther Mwangi: 'One minute I was fine, the next, I had a swollen leg'
How enterprising varsity students thrive amidst financial struggles
The students I spoke to said they were pushed by necessity to start small businesses like selling smokies, boiled eggs, chapatis, samosa and fish to get some cash to survive on campus.
By Rodgers Otiso 10 months ago
How enterprising varsity students thrive amidst financial struggles
Call for understanding: What it's like to live with epilepsy
A study by the National Epilepsy Coordination Committee (NECC) showed about 4 out of 10 people per every 1000 people in Kenya have epilepsy.
By Rodgers Otiso 10 months ago
Call for understanding: What it's like to live with epilepsy
Jaundice: A common condition that requires medical attention in newborns
Infant jaundice or neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a common condition, particularly in babies born before 38 weeks gestation (preterm babies) and some breastfed babies.
By Rodgers Otiso 11 months ago
Jaundice: A common condition that requires medical attention in newborns
Broken dreams, silent pain: I was tricked into an abusive marriage
Violence against women and girls continues to be a widespread and persistent human rights violation despite state and non-state actors promising to tackle it.
By Rodgers Otiso 11 months ago
Broken dreams, silent pain: I was tricked into an abusive marriage
Provide free therapy sessions, parents of children with CP plead
Cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability in childhood. It is caused by abnormal brain development that affects a persons ability to control his or her muscles.
By Rodgers Otiso 1 year ago
Provide free therapy sessions, parents of children with CP plead
Monthly struggle: My painful periods journey
A gynaecologist at the hospital they visited told Nelpha that her pain was known as dysmenorrhea - severe and frequent menstrual cramps and pain during a woman's menstrual period.
By Rodgers Otiso 1 year ago
Monthly struggle: My painful periods journey
'I was eating supper with my family when I had a stroke'
There are many causes of stroke, but hypertension and diabetes are the leading causes.
By Rodgers Otiso 1 year ago
'I was eating supper with my family when I had a stroke'
Our farm produces energy, not crops
Nyamaramba has had more control over how much light he has in every room, thanks to a solar microgrid installed on his piece of land.
By Rodgers Otiso 1 year ago
Our farm produces energy, not crops
'Rare blood condition is giving my daughter sleepless nights'
Every 3-4 weeks, Rachel camps at the hospital with her daughter, 11-year-old Michelle, who is battling with a rare but chronic blood disorder.
By Rodgers Otiso 1 year ago
'Rare blood condition is giving my daughter sleepless nights'
Diabetes: 'I had to find a new way to live'
According to World Health Organization (WHO), more than 420 million people live with diabetes globally and 4 in 5 of them live in low and middle-income countries.
By Rodgers Otiso 1 year ago
Diabetes: 'I had to find a new way to live'
President, Kalonzo and Raila are 'cousins' and should unite
Michael Ndonye
By Michael Ndonye
5 hrs ago
Junior Starlets ready for Teen Cranes test in Kampala
By Elizabeth Mburugu
13 hrs ago