Man who withdrew Sh39,000 sent by mistake via M-Pesa charged

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After receiving Sh60,000, via his M-Pesa by mistake on June 22 this year, instead of returning the money to the sender, one Stanley Irungu opted to withdraw part of it and put into personal use.

He ignored numerous pleas by Millicent Atieno to return to the money and that it was out of a mistake that she sent the money.

She called Safaricom, but by the time they contacted Irungu, he had withdrawn Sh39,000 so they could only recover Sh21,000.

After several attempts to convince Irungu to return the money failed, Atieno opted to go the court way, she complained to the police and the process started.

Yesterday was the D-day for Irungu, he was charged at the Makadara Law Courts with theft of Sh39,000 which he allegedly withdrew from his M-Pesa account by mistake.

The court document further states that the money belonged to Atieno

Atieno who lives in Nairobi's Umoja estate told the court how her efforts to reach and convince Irungu to return to her the money failed.

Irungu was released on Sh20,000 cash bail after admitting that he withdrew the money but was willing to refund it.

The case will be mentioned on October 1, 2019.

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