Teenager commits suicide over television conflict

A Standard six pupil committed suicide after differing with his cousin on what programme to watch on TV.

The pupil is said to have hung himself on Sunday evening after his cousin switched the TV to a vernacular station.

The incident happened in Irigu-ini village in Kigumo sub-county after the two were left behind by their parents, who were attending an evening meeting in the neighbourhood.

The two are said to have quarreled before the boy stormed out of the family living room at around 3pm. 

Shortly after 7pm, the boy’s mother found his body hanging from the roof of his bedroom. 

According to the family’s neighbour, the boy was heard warning the cousin that it would be the last time he would be forced by others to watch TV stations of their choice in his home. 

The boy’s family and the cousins shared a compound and the two were said to be close friends. 

Calling for more counselling, Irigu-ini assistant chief Mburu Gitau urged parents to establish strong bonds with their children to teach them how to settle arguments.