Judy Kibaki: Is she the best MP Nairobi never elected?

It has taken the demise of Mama Lucy Kibaki for her only daughter, Judy, to come back into the public limelight. Unlike her brother Jimmy who once flirted with politics, retired President Kibaki’s most eloquent and probably brainiest child prefers to lurk in the shadows.

The exception was in 2007 when she stepped forward to campaign for her dad. One would go so far as to say, Judy Kibaki was the only refreshing thing in PNU’s disjointed camp during the 2007 election. Those who listened to her televised interviews would not have failed to notice that even without a teleprompter, she sounded more polished than all the presidential contenders combined.

Calm, poised, well groomed, refreshingly intelligent and articulate, she faced the camera like a veteran. Her answers were sharp, crisp, well informed and conciliatory — almost a shadow of the masterful debater the member for Othaya once was. There wasn’t the faintest hint of anger, hatred or divisiveness in her delivery. She even went to great lengths to demonstrate that she respected the views of the opposition.

It is a crying shame that a woman with such an astute mind, solid corporate experience and political connections across Africa and beyond isn’t at the very least an ambassador.  If Judy braved teargas and fought it out for a constituency seat in Nairobi, she has what it takes to give all the male political heirs in this country a run for their money. Very presidential, that girl, and not a whiff of scandal.


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