Passengers lounge, a recipe for Malaria

It is 5am, I have been awake for about an hour at the former comfort zone for long distance travelers of the prestigious Guardian Coach.

What has happened? The tired travelers can no longer find their comfort. Everyone is trying to get wink but the melody produced by mosquitoes can not allow it.

This place has become a haven for mosquitoes. I think these are the largest mosquitoes ever witnessed by me despite the fact that i was born and brought up in the tropical region.

I have taken a considerable time typing this simple text since I m multi tasking, typing and fighting the mosquitoes baying for my blood.

My biggest worry is the concern of the management about the welfare of the passengers who use their services. Place is nowadays dirty and stuffy.

They have not managed to grow with the increasing demands of customers. If anything, they have withdrawn the incentives like water and they are also withdrawing the comfort of the travelers at the waiting bay.

I appeal to the management to do something,hopefully they will.