Being alert in class gives good grades

In order to be a successful student, you need to stay organised by sticking to your planned study time. Procrastination is the beginning of failure. When you are organised, anxiety related to schoolwork stays low.

Manage your time efficiently by getting a study diary and organise your study notes by subject and topic. Set timelines for your studies but also ensure you spare some time for co-curricular activities and catching up with friends. With a planned revision schedule, you are able to concentrate and identify books and notes that are relevant to you.

As you revise, it is advisable to start with the most difficult task. You are mentally fresh at this point and the task won’t seem difficult. Also, allow yourself ample time to revise so that you don’t have to cram at the last minute.

Form or join a study group.  The groups can be a source of inspiration and motivation as you get to share information with your peers. You also get to keep one another on your toes.

To stay motivated, reward yourself. Buy yourself something, or even ask your parents to reward you for academic success.

These are general tips for students looking for success. However, some students attend class just to be counted; they don’t get much out of it.

To make that ‘A’ grade, they need to do the following:

* Before a lesson begins, review your previous lesson notes and assignments so you can keep up with the teacher. As the lesson goes on, take notes even if the teacher has not asked you to. Note down only the main ideas, not everything the teacher says. You may look silly being the only one taking notes but when the grades come, you will have the last laugh. Note any formula the teacher writes down and use a marker to make important points stand out

* If you are attentive, you will definitely have a question for the teacher. Some classmates may think you are stupid for always asking questions. Surprisingly, they may also have the same questions but are afraid to ask. Go ahead, ask!

* It is important that you stay on track by studying. Learn to read, review and analyse your class notes. This way, you will always be ahead.

* ‘A’ students love reading. Read anything from novels, biographies, newspapers and internet articles to comic books. The more you read, the more your brain power.

* One way to express yourself is through writing. Note down your thoughts, ideas, opinions and even knowledge and you will definitely become a better student. Keeping a daily journal is one way to form writing a habit.

* Successful students always sit in front of the class or close to the front. The front row won’t seem so bad when you become a manager in future.