Tomorrow is all that matters

NAIROBI: I do not weep at the world I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife -- Zora Neale Hurston

Tomorrow is all that matters, because you will do things right today.

Hard to conjure when you are ailing from the mistakes of yesterday and you just cannot seem to let go of what is happening to you or your loved ones.

Marinating over what has happened is good for you if you are to draw lessons from it all.

But if you remain stuck there with numerous “what if” questions, then it is best to move on from what is no more and focus on the best that is yet to come.

The beauty about life is that it is kind and more often than not gives even the worst among us second chances for us to get it better if not right. Second chances to prove that human beings are prone to err but there is always a chance at redemption.

Today, I speak for the thousands of 2015 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education candidates who may not have done their best in the examinations. I speak for those whose results were canceled for one reason or another and are thus being forced to resit. Things may look dark and dreary at the moment but the future stretches ahead of you. Indeed, it is yours for the taking only that you are not in a position to realise this. The world is your oyster — you are in a position to take the opportunities that life has to offer you and make the best of them.

You have the ability and the freedom to do exactly what you want, hopefully when you want.

The world is your oyster when you are young and healthy and free to go anywhere. And they are many. At barely 20 years old, you can do as much as you wish, given that you have the energy and time. Of course money may be a limiting factor but by now you get the drift...There is a big chance that 10 years or even five years from now it will not matter whether you scored that D or A in your KCSE examinations. What will matter will be what you did with your time and resources. Because tomorrow is all that matters, because you will do things right today. Over and over again, in the media world, one is as best as their last assignment. The track record ceases to matter once a new assignment is undertaken; and one is judged by their last story.

This is not to say that you do not give your best shot today.

It simply means that you do not give up because what you deemed your best yesterday is not good enough to society or yourself. Tomorrow is all that matters, because you will do things right today.