Sudanese laud President Uhuru Kenyatta for pushing mediation


South Sudanese Nationals living in Nairobi have lauded President Uhuru Kenyatta for spearheading mediation talks in South Sudan.

Elite nationals of South Sudan under the union body ‘Compatriots of South Sudan for peace’ living in Nairobi have termed the Killings in South Sudan as ‘Political violence’ and not tribal.

Uhuru arrived in South Sudan Thursday morning for a one day official visit over the political crisis in Africa's juvenile state.

President Uhuru was received by senior South Sudanese Government officials and Kenya’s Ambassador Cleland Leshore.

Kenyas’ president, who chairs the East African Community (EAC), is leading a high powered delegation for talks with the host President Salva Kiir on the ongoing political crisis in the neighboring country at State House, Juba.

Ethiopia's Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn is also attending the talks.

Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ambassador Amina Mohammed, Former Cabinet minister Dalmas Otieno, Ambasador Bethwel Kiplagat are part of the team that began Mediation talks between the parties earlier in the week with a delegation from the development agency IGAD.

‘Compatriots of South Sudan for peace’ living in Nairobi have asked President Salva Kirr of South Sudan and former vice president to go back to the drawing board and negotiate without putting any conditions to end truce in the young republic.

“We call upon the two leaders to end the political violence and come to peace talks, and thank Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta for showing compassion at the time of need,” Said Makuach Aleu, Chairman of the Compatriots of South Sudan for peace.

Makuach said: “It is not the time to engage in destructive political engagement but a moment to look back where the country has come from and build it for the benefit of the posterity of South Sudan.”

The Sudanese national have also called for an impartial mediation talks between the two rival groups. They said that most mediation talks in African states have seen some leaders taking sides and thus hindering effective solution to existing truce.

“We are happy our neighbor like Kenya and Ethiopia have come in to help us resolve the dispute in our nation, we appeal that they remain impartial until sanity is restored,” said Dak Gabriel, the secretary General of the compatriots of S.Sudan forum.

Mr Dak said the South Sudan Nation is greater than anyone. “I urge our leaders that the country is bigger than all of us and we can only build it through unity and not violence.”

The Sudanese condoled with their fellow countrymen terming the ongoing killings as ‘senseless and reckless’ and goes against the ideals of the Martyrs that fought for the session of the youngest African country.

The Compatriots of the two year old Nation registered their disappointment that the current situation in their homeland puts the efforts of South Sudan Martyrs in vain.

The forum was drawn from the various tribes in the larger south Sudan nation with 10 units of governance. They said that they are not holding brief for any side of the conflicting parties.

The ten states in S.Sudan headed by elected governors are: Upper Nile State, Jongley state, Eastern Equatorial state, Unity State, Central Equatorial State, Western Equatorial state, Lake state, Werap State, Nothern Barhgazal state and Western Barhgazal state.

“The Nuer and Dinka who are allegedly said to be warring share the same state in Jongley a region said to be oil rich,” Said Mr Dak Aleu off record during the press conference in Nairobi.

Moreover, the Compatriots dismissed off claims that the conflicts were tribal and said it was mainly a political struggle between the two sides of the leaders who are seeking power.

“Those who are orchestrating the criminal acts should not forget we the world watching and in the long last at the end of the day the full force of law will be meted on them,” Said Makuach.

“All of us stand to lose as we have witnessed our dear friends perish like chicken. I called a friend yesterday on phone and by today am told he was killed!” stated a member of the Compatriots who put aside their tribal affiliations and calls for peace in the Jubaland.