Christmas upcountry on one condition

I had seriously considered spending Christmas in Nairobi and only agreed to travel upcoutry after my husband promised to convince his mother to allow us to host lunch on Christmas Day, writes Tatiana Saina

After a persistent argument with my husband and constant ‘flashes’ from mother-in-law to inquire when we were going home, I gave into the idea of travelling upcoutry for Christmas, but not without a few assurances from my husband.

He had to agree to request to host the Christmas Day lunch instead of eating at mother-in-law’s. I gave this condition, not because I love hosting so much, but because it would give me a little freedom on that important day.

I didn’t want a repeat of last Christmas. I wanted a Chrismas like my childhood’s where few days to this unforgettable day involved exciting planning and shopping for the best food items reserved for the festive season. The D-day was, however, the most exciting. Even my dad, who rarely stepped in the kitchen, was happy to help. After slaughtering the goat, he would offer to chop the meat into desired pieces for the various delicacies.

We could never imagine missing the sentimental carols, so we all participated in making breakfast and lunch before dressing up to go to church. There was nothing as nice as coming back home after church to a ready meal and thereafter visiting friends or just hanging out in the nearest park.


Fast-forward to Christmas at my mother-in-law’s; last year, for example. As much as I would have loved to cook early and head to church, I was limited because I wasn’t the one to decide what we were going to have for lunch, let alone the method of cooking. I had to fit into my in-law’s schedule, which basically meant cooking and serving the whole day.

Offering to host Christmas Day lunch would mean I can easily excuse myself during breakfast to concentrate on making the lunch of my choice. It would also mean getting my husband’s support, something unheard of when the cooking is at my mother-in-law’s house. ?

My plan was not only to make it to church, but also to have the afternoon free for my husband and son to drive to a nearby lake and enjoy a boat ride and swimming.

I have come up with a detailed shopping list to ensure I whip up the best Christmas meal ever. I intend to buy all the necessary ingredients on our way home. My only hope is that everything goes according to plan and my husband will be able to convince his mother and sisters to allow us to host the lunch.