Eight reasons why Moi university students needed to demonstrate - MUSO

Moi University students on Friday morning took to the streets in an attempt to make their grievances heard by the administration.

Officials of the Moi University students Organisation(MUSO) through a memo released on Wednesday, October 9 claimed that attempts to reach the administrations were futile hence leaving them with no other option.

The Organisation stated eight grievances to be the cause of their action to call for the demonstrations.

These grievances include:

1. Supplementary examination fee is retained at sh400.

2. The culture of preparing meals to be maintained until a satisfactory, affordable and practical alternative is adopted.

3. Completion of school fees and signing of nominal roll be extended to the last week of examination.

4. The school portal is redesigned.

5. The students are allowed to re-sit for their supplementary examinations without having to repeat the whole year.

6. The chief security must go.

7. Revision of the recently inflated fee structure.

8. Hiring of enough lecturers to satisfy various courses within the university.

The administration, however, declared the demonstrations illegal and pledged to take action against those involved in line to the school’s rules and regulations.