Are they really sponsors?

Numerous stories have been told about ‘sponsors’ so I thought I should tell one too. My friends and I were walking around the university compound one fine evening when we saw a sleek jaguar come in.

 As curious as we always are, we peeped in simultaneously to see who was inside the machine. And all of a sudden all of us whispered “sponsor manenos” and then we started laughing.

A heated discussion then started to justify that the guy behind the wheels was really that lady’s sponsor. I then pointed out that the man does not have to be necessarily that lady’s sponsor. He could be the father.

I was then strongly opposed by one fellow who claimed that the lady was giving directions to the man meaning there was no way he could be the father. If he was, he could be well conversant with the school compound. Another friend put it that the man and the lady did not resemble each other thereby nullifying my ‘father’ story.

The conversation went on and on and only settled when we all agreed that the man was indeed a sponsor. This has happened many times not only in the case of that lady but with much more.

We even once did the same to our roommate who happened to report to school late and was driven in by the uncle whom we branded the name sponsor. This we came to realize later on in the semester after we had crucified her and were really embarrassed. I still pray to date that it doesn’t come out that we thought that about her.

So this got me thinking of the things that could get your father; uncle, big brother or just a family friend who offers to drive you to school being branded the name "sponsor".

 My first observation is that he must be driving a car, the type does not carry great importance. You could be a tad bit safe if many people know that your folks own a car. But other ladies would not want to know that so you’ll still be prosecuted.

The second observation is that whenever you are driven in by a man who has a pot belly at any time you will be judged immediately even by the men in school. The only thing that might save you is when your siblings come out of the car to see the environment.

The third one is when your driver does not resemble you in any way and you are the only person in the car. This will lead to direct judgment whether you like it or not.

Another one is when you are only driven in at odd hours maybe late in the night or very early in the morning. This you will not escape because in a university students are always outside no matter the time.

So the next time you accept to be driven by that sponsor and you do not want to be noticed, these points might come in handy.