Kanu remains the ideal party for all Kenyans

The monumental political changes being witnessed in the country has served to focus Kenyans' attention on the existing political parties and their ideologies.

Jubilee Party and CORD may be enjoying a lot of limelight by virtue of the fact that the next President will certainly be produced by either of the two dominant entities.

However, the traction, appeal and conversations that the independence party, Kanu, is receiving across all regions of this country are particularly spectacular, unrivaled and instructive.

By dissolving 12 parties to form a monolith, Jubilee was seeking to position itself as a unifying party for all tribes. Yet the reviews it received and continues to attract in the political circles, media and social media to be specific, point otherwise.

On the other hand, Kanu has not climbed the podium as yet to proclaim its position, but the ease with which ordinary Kenyans feel about it, leaves no doubt at all as to which one political unit genuinely wears the crown and honor of uniting our people, irrespective of region, tribe, religion, class or age.

Though Kanu may not be presenting a presidential candidate on the party's ticket next year, the enthusiastic interest it is generating as the destination for candidates for various positions is a pointer to the fact that it is a gem waiting to be unveiled.

Kenyans are fatigued and rightly-so by the unending culture of parties that never live beyond a single election cycle. They, therefore, have come to the realization that it is only Kanu, at 53 years, that can serve that purpose of permanent residency that every family yearns for to be settled and secure.

We wish no party ill will but the writing is on the wall. After more than a decade, Kenyans are trooping back home in Kanu.