A woman strips naked at work to get the boss' attention

Have you ever gone to one of those work places and notice the most quiet and innocent worker? These kinds of people often don’t talk much. In fact some don’t even greet their fellow workmates. Sometimes these people may surprise you when they decide to make one stupid move that leaves everyone shocked.

In the coastal region, Kilifi County, there was a woman who stripped naked during working hours and started shouting at the top of her voice that no one gives her attention. She kept saying that she was always the first person to come to work but no one ever congratulates her and especially the boss.

When word reached the boss about what was happening, he quickly went to the scene. He tried to ask the woman to dress up and keep quiet, but instead he added salt to injury. The woman climbed on top of the table and started dancing. It took the force of three strong men to bring her down.

“No one ever anticipated something like that would happen. She seemed like the most mature and decent woman around the work place. Her actions have really shocked us all,” said one of the workmates.

“I believe she must have been on drugs or something. This is unlike her to do such a thing.” another workmate added.

When the woman was asked why she did that, she said she only wanted to get the attention of the boss.

“All I ever wanted was to get the attention of the boss and I saw no other better way of getting it,” said the woman.

The boss said that he was going to fire her as her behavior was totally absurd. He also advised that the woman should go for a medical checkup since he believes her actions were quite abnormal.