Teenage pregnancy a crisis in Seme sub-county

“We were in a group of 3 girls. One got married and the other one got pregnant but she didn’t make it. She died while giving birth.”

These words were uttered to me by a 16-year-old girl from East Seme Ward, Kisumu County. I will call her Monica-not her real name. She looks weak and tired due to breastfeeding her 1-year-old baby. She got pregnant at the age of 15 after attending disco matanga at night. Am sure many of you are familiar with it.

“Every Friday in case we heard of disco matanga or there was a funeral somewhere, we used to make sure we attended. I would sneak out at night when my parents were asleep. I did this because I feared they would not let me go if I asked for their permission. I was still in primary school then. I was in class 7.  We would use drugs and engage in sex in the name of having fun at the event.”

Disco matanga has been cited as one of the major causes of teenage pregnancy here. Many young girls have been forced to drop out of school and abandon their dreams in order to take care their babies.

A lot of clients in the Maternal and Child Health in Seme Sub County are girls below the age of 19. Older women sometimes feel out of place when they go to these centers since majority of the clients are young girls.

Doctors at these centers say that majority of these young girls find it difficult to give birth the normal way since their muscles around the birth canal are not fully developed and majority of them give birth through c-section. “I was not mature enough to give birth. I found it very difficult so they had to operate on me.” Monica tells me.

Cases of teenage pregnancy are on the rise. According to KDHS 2014, early pregnancy in Kenya has increased to 18%. This figure can be brought to zero if the community, the government and law enforcers work hand in hand in keeping our children safe. Parents need to start educating their children about sex.

“If it’s time to study please do study and finish your studies. Other things such as fun and sex will come after studies when you will be happily married. Don’t waste your life and future like me. To all parents, please look after your children very well. Make sure when they are at home they are there all the time, if they are asleep confirm that they asleep. ” that was Monica’s final advice.