Congolese bomb survivor hopes to use his books to share messages on hope, healing and love

Frome being an author, actor, musician, minister of the gospel to musician, SYAVIHA MULENGYA is a jack of all trades. He shares his life journey since surviving a bomb attack back home in Congo.


Aside from being an author, you have an inspiring story, from surviving the bomb blast to spending many years in the university. Briefly take us through your early life

My name is Syaviha Mulengya Ka-situluhe. Syaviha stands for trustworthy and Ka-situluhe means let us not get tired.

My aim of writing books is to share a message of hope, harmony, and healing. This helps people to discover who they are, discern and develop their purpose, potential and passion.

I am the last born in a family of 10. I was born in Congo and schooled there for my primary and secondary school. I am a teacher by profession.

When did you start artwork? 

I discovered my talent at the age of 10 when I started composing songs. At 14, I started preaching in church and four years later I produced my first movie dubbed “Vita ni Mbeya”. It was one of the most-watched movies back then and got me in trouble, the people who were not happy about my movie campaign fought me to a point I survived death more than five times.

How did you survive? 

When I survived the last one where a bomb was thrown at our house leading to a number of casualities, I decided to run for my safety and that’s how I found myself here in Kenya. It’s here that I managed to proceed with my education and graduated with a degree in Communication from Daystar University.

How do you consider your life in Kenya? 

This great country has been a blessing to me. I came here with zero knowledge of English but so far, I would say things turned out positive. Today, I can write books, preach sermons, and talk in English. I am grateful to each and everyone who has been a blessing to me. I value the people who have helped me in one way or the other. 

What inspired you to focus on writing? 

I started writing at the tender age of 13. As my skill grew, I got a lot of inspiration from Bishop Mofat of PEFA, but I took a step of faith, where in 2018 I was able to publish four books in a row.

I strongly believe I am born to bless what I have, and need to benefit people. I realise the world needs my talents hence give me a push to wake up, work, in order to win. Secondly, I saw many people are heartbroken, helpless and hopeless. I want to find a solution through my writing, music, movies, and messages on social media.

Most of your books revolve around love, why did you choose the direction? 

Love is the engine of life and everyone needs love. Where there is love there is peace, progress and productivity. God is love which should exist amongst us always. Love is key to any relationship. When we build better marriages, we will have a powerful and peaceful nation.

In one of your books, you mentioned “Men are crying and women are weeping” what drove you to such content? 

In current marriage setups, most women and men are weeping in silence. I would like to ask the government and the church to accept the problem, identify and address it. Furthermore, as a preacher, I need to give hope that despite the challenges, we can get a solution. If you read through, you will find hope for your marriage.

What is in the “Secrets for the Singles”? 

Secrets for the Singles is all about how to start, sustain and succeed in a relationship. Those single and searching will find guidance on how to find the matching partners, how to enjoy and embrace each other in life.

How many books have you written so far? Which is your favourite? 

I have written over 15 books but managed to publish only four. All of them are my favourite.

Is the self-published route a respectable way for a first-time author to go?

Every journey has its challenges. When you are committed to the cause, it becomes interesting. I love challenges. As I learn, I grow. With the vast experience I have now, I can guide any aspiring writer.

Cliche romantic novel, “Change our perspective towards realistic relationships” We all expect a happy ending but it doesn’t happen at all. Share your views on this.

In movies, people act, but in marriage it is real, you cannot pretend. Couples need to invest a lot in their relationship in terms of education. Learn, so that you lead, live and light up the world around you. Many couples are not ready to learn.  Keep dating, discovering and trust in God

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? 

Mine is a gift. God is source of my inspiration, I start and finish my writing with prayer. I am learning my prayer that many more people will discover my books are already on Amazon. Get to read those who have been touched, transformed. These are great books that are changing life,

What kind of genre do you read most of the time? Who is your favourite author? 

I write about Hope, Healing and harmony in marriages. In other words, Inspiration, Motivation, relationships; dating, marriage and singlehood. I love and enjoy reading, I read what I come across, when I read, I get revelation. I read content from both local and international authors. Through that, I also learn since I believe anyone can inspire me, that is why I am not limited. I am open. I do not have a favourite.

Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly? 

Anything is possible. Believe you have something, start small with what you have and where you are. I started writing song, brochures, then I graduated into books.  Do not wait, this is your time to wake up, work and you will win.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

When I start writing God gives me new ideas. Sometimes, I have more revelation, there are books that have led to other books. I trust God to give me more than what you ask for or something better.

Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book? 

I focus on the 3H; Hope, Harmony and Healing, When You have hope, you will live in harmony and hope leads to healing. They are co-related. Mine is to solve the problem that society is facing. I want to show the way. I am available if you need me in your organisation, church, school and other places.  I desire to share, speak and strengthen someone.

What is your advice to young upcoming writers? 

Start, be courageous, committed and confident, never give up, it is never easy. People may not encourage you, knowing you have the solution to the world problem. If you need help, I am here to guide you.

How did publishing your first book change your process of writing? 

It was a great experience; I learned a lot and am still learning. It really encouraged me to write and keep writing.

What was the best money you ever spent as a writer? 

Writing a book is quite involving which requires spending money on a good product. This involves resourcing, researching, printing, editing and publishing the book. 

How do you balance between making demands on the reader with taking care of the reader? 

Know and understand your readers. I cherish them. They are my motivation and inspiration that I need to listen to them.