Protect yourself and your girl

By Simon

The holidays are around the corner and you probably are looking forward to that big re-union. It will be time to link and catch up with the boys, hear what mischief they have been up to this last semester and just chill with them.?You will also get to spend time with your siblings (always nice to be with them) and share a laugh or two.

However, the crème de la crème always has to do with the girls. They will show up in those skimpy outfits that were either meant for six-year olds or that appear to have shrunk in the laundry.

You will watch them in amazement as they pass by, sometimes making catcalls and passes at them like those hungry crocodiles in the Masai Mara River. It is surely the best time of the year.

However, to make sure you stay on top of your game and make it through the holidays unhurt, we need to talk about something that is synonymous of the long holidays — girls and sex.

?Girls, sex and holidays:

The December holidays bring with it untold excitement and with this, people tend to loosen up and do things they wouldn’t normally do. Incidences of casual sex shoot up and peak towards New Year’s Eve. This might sound good, but it comes with its fair share of problems and just a few minutes of pleasure can lead you to a lifetime of pain and sorrow.

There is no way of telling what the girls have been up to. Some of them may be having sexual relations with older men while others may have multiple sex partners and are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), some of which are fatal.

In addition to this, most under-age pregnancies are delivered between August and late September. That tells you what these girls were up to during the December holidays.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

STIs or unwanted pregnancies have lifelong implications on both you and your girlfriend. Therefore, you need to shield yourself as well as your girlfriend from them. The only sure way to do this is to avoid sexual relations until you are ready and can take responsibility for your actions.

However, if you must do it, always use a condom. I know what they say about eating a sweet with the wrapper on, but this is only temporary and in a few years, you will have it all.

It may be better to sacrifice several years for half the fun then have a lifetime of the full-fun than go for the full fun now then spend the rest of your life regretting or enjoying half the fun because HIV positive people are encouraged to always have protected sex to avoid re-infection.

?Unwanted pregnancy

This is the last thing you need right now my friend. With your studies ahead of you, no income to support yourself, let alone a ‘wife’ and child, you cannot take this risk. Yes, I know what you are thinking; that she can always do away with the pregnancy.

?Brother, it is inhuman and very unfair to put a girl through the process of aborting a child just for your convenience. Abortion is illegal in Kenya; therefore, no hospital worth its salt will want to be involved in it.

This will make her a client in one of those filthy, dimly lit, backdoor clinics where they use knitting needles, vacuum cleaners and other crude equipment and techniques to get the foetus out. You don’t want to put your beautiful girl through this and truth be told, you are not ready to be a daddy now.

?The bright side

The bright side to this is that the guys are often in charge when it comes to sexual encounters, so take control of the situation and make sure you don’t land in the woods.

The safest way is to avoid sexual relations until later, but if you have to, make sure you always use a condom. By so doing, you will protect yourself and your beautiful girl from all those hazards. There is no better gift.