
Oparanya and Wamalwa plotting to dethrone Mudavadi, Wetang'ula

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula at an event in Malava sub-county, Kakamega, on April 1, 2023. [Benjamin Sakwa, Standard]

"I am not going anywhere. In fact, I will be going for an elective position in 2027," said Oparanya, insisting that he will be at the forefront in pushing for strong opposition to keep Ruto's administration in check.

Oparanya said together with Wamalwa and other local Azimio leaders, they will lead the region in the collection of signatures to dethrone Ruto from power.

"We are committed to getting the required signatures to remove Ruto from power due to the high cost of living and we will conduct the exercise in all counties of the Western region," said Oparanya.

Conspicuously missing

He said the ODM party could take action against its local MPs who skipped Saba Saba protests. They are Emmanuel Wangwe (Navakholo), Christopher Aseka (Khwisero), Tindi Mwale (Butere), Titus Khamala (Lurambi), Innocent Mugabe (Likuyani) and Johnson Naicca (Mumias West) were conspicuously missing.

Mr Wamalwa maintains that Western will remain an opposition stronghold despite Mudavadi and Wetang'ula occupying key positions in President Ruto's administration.

Communication strategist Barrack Muluka however, argues that only Ruto knows what he wants in terms of geopolitics.

Bunch of firewood

"As the Luhya community, we should look at it from the context of 'olukhanya' (Luhya word for a bunch of firewood tied together). If Luhya leaders stayed together like a bunch of firewood tied together, it would be hard to break them," said Muluka.

He added the region enjoys strong representation in the government and it is a good opportunity for Mudavadi, Wetang'ula and Cabinet Secretaries including Ababu Namwamba (Sports) and Susan Nakhumicha (Health) to influence policy and organise and lead the Luhya nation."