Things you can do to improve your sex life

People have always sought ways to improve their sex lives including spending money to make themselves better lovers. The ancient Romans were said to prefer such exotic aphrodisiacs as hippo snouts and hyena eyeballs. Traditional Chinese medicine espoused the use of such rare delicacies as rhino horn.

Modern men will spend money on all manner of concoctions especially when Valentine’s Day is around the corner, yet there are cheaper and easier ways of improving one’s sex life. They include:

Exercise: It gives you the energy and stamina to have sex for longer periods. It gives you flexibility to try different positions.

Music: There are all types of music and ways it can help in the sex department. Music can create the mood for sex. Additionally the lyrics in some songs trigger emotions and feelings of sensuality.

Sexy attire: Are you comfortable in the company of your partner when dressed in oversized around-the-house clothing? There’s something sexy about dressing up for each other. It shows care and consideration and when you put some effort into how you look, it is just like when you first met.

Communication: Challenge yourself to give very specific requests to your partner for sexual pleasure. Use only verbal instructions, without showing them or touching them.

Sensual massage: This is one great way to get in the mood or put your partner in the mood. Once the massage begins with the back, then the back of the legs, you can lead to other more sensitive parts of the body. A word of caution though: You can go overboard with relaxing your partner and put them right to sleep so make sure you incorporate something in your technique to keep both of you awake.

Leave love notes: There is something stimulating about knowing that your partner was thoughtful enough to write down what he or she is thinking about you. Leaving love notes describing how sexy they are or what you have planned to do with them in the evening is very sexy.

Look into each other’s eyes: That’s right, it’s okay to peek when you’re kissing and especially when you are making love. Try to keep your eyes open and look into your partner’s eyes.