Chess: Anchor Club enjoys three-point lead in league

Faith Maina of Black Knights Chess Club (right) in action during the Kenya Premier Chess League matches played at Kenyatta University. (Standard)

James Nyaga inspired Anchor Chess Club to three vital wins in the 2019 Kenya Premier Chess League to maintain its three-point advantage over second-placed Equity Bank, who won all their matches over the weekend at Kenyatta University.

Nyaga played a vital role in the leaders’ two games against Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology (JKUAT) and Kenyatta University, winning all his board one games against Brian Chege of JKUAT and Dennis Maina of Kenyatta University.

Anchor defeated Lighthouse, JKUAT and Kenyatta University 4-1 but lost 4.5-0.5 to 2016 champions KCB Bank.

Team captain Solomon Thuo said they are focused on stopping Equity when they face the champions next weekend.

“We have had a perfect start to the league and we are aiming to maintain our lead. The loss to KCB Bank was a reality check that we are not yet there and need to work harder in our next fixtures,” he said.

Equity Bank, on the other hand, continued their title defence by completing six consecutive wins; against JKUAT, NACHA Kings and Eastlands.

The defending champions dropped one and a half points in their first match against the university students but rallied to win 3.5-1.5 before thrashing NACHA Kings 5-0.

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