Mutua hits out at critics over Haiti mission, insists Kenya ready to deploy officers

Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs Cabinet Secretary Dr. Alfred Mutua. [Edward Kiplimo, Standard]

Kenya insists it will deploy hundreds of police officers to Haiti, in the hope that they will help quel criminal gangs and end the gang warfare.

Speaking during an interview with BBC, Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Dr. Alfred Mutua brushed off critics who are against the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to the peace mission, stating that they have the full support of the Haitians who want the gangs wiped out.

"We already have had an assessment team to Haiti and 80 percent of the locals are supporting the deployment of Kenya police to their country. We cannot force ourselves on a country that we are not needed," Mutua stated.

At the same time, the CS also dismissed critics who are questioning the preparedness of the Kenyan force in quelling the deadly gangs in the Caribbean country.

"Those opposing the deal have a right to be skeptical because it has been tried before. I mean, other missions have been deployed before. But remember those were United Nations peace missions. This is a different mission," he added.

While on tour in America last week, President William Ruto stated that Kenya is ready to send its officers to the country that has had a long history of organised crime, as soon as the UN Council gives a green light by January next year.

At the same tour, the U.S. offered Sh14.6b in a defence cooperation deal with Kenya and pledged other benefits that included; medical support to the team, airlift intelligence gathering, and communication.

Mutua's sentiments come at the back of harsh criticism on Kenya's "generous" offer to Haiti, instead of cleaning and putting her house in order first.

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