Just say no to unnecessary secrecy

Nairobi; Kenya: While we are admonished about possessing and unleashing a loose tongue, the opposite also prevails since there are those who make everything a secret.

I know of a family whose goal is to keep secrets even when there is no need to.

After many years, we met and I inquired from their youngest what level she was at in school. The older brother (about 10 years old), jumped in and urged the sister not to tell me.

It is obvious these children were under some instruction not to talk about family matters.

I could not understand what was so secretive about one’s level of education.

I do not in any way condemn secrecy, because I believe there are some cases where secrecy is needed.

Some government secrets are sensitive and should be kept in the interest of the nation.

There are some truths that would irreparably hurt relationships hence the need to keep them secret. There are instances in the word of God where secrecy is encouraged.

Such instances include times where we are told not to let our left hand know what our right hand is doing.

So, when you donate to some charity, let it stay that way. However, there are cases where secrecy may become lethal.

Usually, such emanate from unpleasant situations that one is embarrassed about.

Take for instance a man who finds himself in a one night stand situation or an illicit affair, and knowing the ramifications for such a revelation, decides to keep quiet.

He can decide to gamble and keep quiet, and probably get away with it.

However, truths have a way of just revealing themselves. They refuse to be chained inside our small closets.

There is no peace in a den full of secrets because the preoccupation with keeping them will make us not enjoy life.

It is this penchant for secrecy that saw Ananias and Saphirra face instant punishment where they died for concealing vital information.

It had been agreed that all would sell their property and bring the proceeds to the apostles.

While the rest were faithfully doing so, these two chose the path to destruction, which is secrecy.

The word of God encourages us to catch the little foxes that ruin the vineyards which are in bloom.

These “foxes” are those things that can disturb a relationship to the point where the root system dies and takes all with it.

And that is the destiny for anyone who delights in unnecessary secrets.

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