Don’t break a bridge after crossing a river


When Shamir and Anwar finally got their inheritance, they took to their boats in search of new land to occupy. After being in the sea for many days and nights, Shamir began despairing.

“My friend, this seems to be a bad idea. We have been rowing for so long and all my eyes can see is water all around us. I think the best thing to do is to turn back before we die in the middle of nowhere,” he said.

His partner, however, was not ready to give up yet.

“Have you forgotten that you sold everything you owned in the village, if you turn back now, you will be the laughing stock,” Anwar reminded him.

Accepting their predicament, the pair proceeded with Shamir saying a prayer as he continued rowing after his friend. Finally one morning as they emerged from a fog, to their relief, their eyes caught the sight of an island in the horizon.

“Allah is great, he would not have let us to row all the way for nothing,” Anwar exclaimed excitedly.

A cautious Shamir, however, warned his friend not to celebrate too soon as it could turn out to be a mirage.

“I am not too old for my eyes to deceive me,” a rejuvenated Anwar answered paddling furiously than ever before.

It turned out that Anwar was right soon after they had docked on the island. Upon further inspection, they found out that it had abundant animal and food. Overwhelmed by their good fortune, the pair could not help but kiss the ground in joy thanking the gods. A few days later after settling in the island, Shamir found his friend dismantling his boat and using the wood to build a shed.

“What are you doing, have you lost your mind?” he asked his friend.

“We found ourselves a new home and life, therefore, I no longer need a boat,” Anwar replied as he proceeded to tear the boat apart.

Shamir tried to dissuade him against the impetus move warning him that a storm could hit the island at any time and he would need the boat, but it all fell on deaf ears. Anwar dismissed his friend boasting that if it came to that, he could build another boat in no time.

For a while, nothing happened and Anwar would tease his friend often for behaving cowardly. One day, however, a raging storm hit the island. The swelling waters found Anwar unprepared and swoosh! swept him away. Shamir, on the other hand, had taken to his boat as soon he saw the signs of trouble.